Friday, December 29, 2017
Saturday, December 23, 2017
From the land of stupid is as stupid does #GOPTaxScam
But the dotard signed it anyway.
I guess in the scheme of things this was amusing and shows a bit of hubris on their part.
Its not much, but seeing as how our congress will not listen to the constituents (by the people, for the people, and of the people indeed!), at least we can see them choking on their own shit. And laugh at their ineptitude.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Dan Le Batard Went For Rob Manfred's Neck
It's cringe worthy and uncomfortable. But delightful.
Read about it here:
Watch the whole thing here:
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Word of the day: hubris
Star Trek: Discovery
I am finding this show to be most enjoyable. Good sci-fi. Good acting. Clever storylines within an episode. Good story arc. Interesting characters. And, the people behind the show clearly know and understand Trek; the episodes all draw on what's known as cannon and they bring in aspects of TOS that are well thought out.
I like the twists and turns. The first two episodes took place aboard the Shenzhou, not Discovery. And the reason was to set the tone, and to start with character development.
There is certainly some mystery in the show. We are set 10 or so years before TOS, but nothing "feels" like TOS. The uniforms are different, much of the technology is different, and there is a cool spore drive that never gets mentioned. Why is all of that true?
I mean, we can simply file it away as creative license. Or its possible that this was an experimental part of star fleet that got locked up like the ark in the Indiana Jones movie. Its also possible we're in an alternate timeline of some sort. Or its possible that star fleet will get knocked backward somehow in terms of tech.
Of course, there's a fan theory that "Section 31" (which was introduced in DS9 as the shadow group that is chartered with protecting star fleet) is behind all of this. Heck, the designation of Discovery is NCC-1031. Could it be?
Here's a summary of the plot line:
- A Klingon named T'Kuvma lights a beacon to unite the houses
- He is martyred, but Voq steps in to take over as the leader, but he is abandoned by Kol who steals the cloaking technology
- Voq is helped by another Klingon L'Rell; who is from a house of deceivers. She promises to help if he sacrifices everything
- On Shenzhou, Michael Burnham explores an unknown object, winds up killing a klingon and starts a war
- She commits mutiny and the klingons take out a bunch of star fleet ships.
- She and Captain Felipa try to capture T'Kuvma, but wind up killing him and Felipa gets killed too.
- On her way to a penal colony, Burnham is found by Discovery and taken aboard and offered a job
- We learn about the spore drive, how it works, and see it in action. It is a game changer
- Captain Lorca is captured by L'Rell and subjected to some torture
- We meet a character named Ash on the klingon ship and he is an enigma, but Lorca trusts him
- There is some storytelling to help us get up to speed with more details (and make for some interesting episodes)
- And then as the season closes, Discovery wins the day, and is transported somewhere else. Another dimension, perhaps? That's the cliffhanger.
Its all very odd. Now lets look at the main characters who have some interesting things about them:
- Michael Burnham. A woman with a mans name. Raised by Spock's parents (Sarek and Amanda, and we see Sarek, cool?) on Vulcan. She is logical and dispassionate. She inadvertently stared a war and is a mutineer. But Lorica wanted her on Discovery.
- Cadet Tilly. She is Michael's roommate, and perhaps autistic. But why is she there? And why does she have such a great job and earn so much trust? Its another puzzle.
- Lt. Staments. He invented the spore drive, and is a scientist, not a soldier. He injected himself with alien DNA to control the drive; he is said to have used Eugenics...interesting. And he is not himself ever since
- Captain Lorca. This guy is a crazy SOB. A war hawk. We learned about his destroying his previous ship. He is certainly a rogue character and enormously complicated. He collects weapons of destruction and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal of winning the war. He has a sensitivity to light, and keeps a tribble on his desk in early episodes. Then, after his capture he has neither. Odd....
- Admiral Cornwell. She appears and tries to get Lorca to give up his command, but is instead sent into a trap. She is captured by the Klingons, but later returns. Interesting story point here. She was useful. But why?
- Harry Mudd. Introducing a character from TOS was cute and clever. But he was on the prison ship and knew a lot about Lorica and probably more. Later he torments the crew of Discovery. Coincidence?
- Ash Tyler. We met him on the prison ship. He seems to appear out of nowhere, but Lorica instantly trusts him and they escape together. His backstory is notably weak. which makes him a complete enigma. And everyone questions this blind loyalty. And she and Burnham have some feelings for each other to complicate things.
- Kol. He is the manipulative one in the klingon world. He steals cloaking tech, and gives it to anyone who helps his goals to lead the klingons
- L'Rell. She is quite the manipulator. Her role is understated, but she is a master of cunning and manipulation. She ran the prison and did tell Voq she could help him. What will she do?
- Voq. The most interesting character who is likely going to play a critical role, or perhaps already is. The show lists the actor playing him as "Javid Iqbal" but that person doesn't seem to exist. So why the subterfuge?
So, that's where we are. I have some thoughts on what it all means. Here goes....
- A fan theory is that Voq giving everything meant that the Klingons used eugenics (and cunning) to change Voq to be another being.
- If you watch "The Trouble With Tribbles" from TOS we see that this is the kind of thing is not far fetched as the assistant to the grain trasnporting guy turns out to be Klingon, but looks human. We also learn that Tribbles squeal when confronted with Klingons
- The popular wisdom suggests that Tyler is actually Voq. One clue is that the actor who plays Tyler actually has the lastname Iqbal. But that's too easy. I think otherwise...
- I see other clues. Michael being a woman is one. Cornwell being abducted, and returned is interesting. And don't miss that the episode where Cornwell is sent into the trap is called "Lethe"....Lethe is the name of a character on TOS "Dagger of the Mind" who came to a penal colony sometime before, after an interesting history that she won't speak of....
- My theory is that Cornwell was captured, and disposed of in the penal colony. And Voq is not actually a he, he's a she, and she becomes Cornwell.
- And Discovery is part of a special bit of research in Section 31, not star fleet proper, and will be swept away at some point because something catastrophic will happen
- We'll learn more about eugenics and the klingons
- Right now, Discovery is in an alternate universe -probably the same one from TOS: "Mirror, Mirror" and DS9: "Through the Looking Glass", Plus others in Enterprise and DS9. And surely there will be new mysteries to explore
- Tyler's appearance will have significance, because he gave up info about star fleet; and he may turn our to be a double agent, but not Voq.
- Lorica's change may indicate he's some kind of double agent too. Which would be an interesting twist.
- Probably one or both will die as a result of their conniving.
But finding out is going to be fun! I honestly can't wait.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Today’s correspondence with “leader” McConnell
I don't live in your state, nor do I live in Alabama. But your decisions affect all of us.
It seems you have forgotten that the government is "of the people, by the people, and for the people."
Doug Jones was elected by the people, while mr sessions replacement was appointed to fill the role. The people have spoken and they must be heard. He should be seated before any further votes are taken.
You are so set on ramming through your absurd, and wildly unpopular "tax" bill that will increase the deficit by trillions (oh perhaps you were correct when you said it won't add to the deficit by "one penny;" it's a much larger get number) and harm everyday working Americans. All the while adding plenty of items that have nothing whatsoever to do with taxes.
If you had the gene, you would probably feel shame. But clearly you don't.
You will proceed as if somehow this is the most important thing ever in the history of the US with no debate, no CBO score, and really no time to review it.
All the while there are many much more important things that you should be focused on. Guns, climate change, Russian influence, and North Korea to name a few important ones.
But please waste your time trying to please your corporate donors.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
The GOP’s latest tax plan would do exactly what Rubio warned them not to. Will he vote with them anyway? - The Washington Post
If you live in Florida, you should give the good senator a call. He should hear from us about this bill, and perhaps he will take it under consideration.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Monday, December 11, 2017
It's debatable who invented "the internet" but there is no doubt, no question, that the United States was the reason it took off. The US made the internet what it is today.
It's a place for free expression, collaboration, and commerce. Even a jackass person can freely express world views (even if those world views might lead the unhinged jackass to take us into WW III).
And now some douche who has the best interests of large telecom companies as his primary focus can undo it. All of it.
Essentially we've taken what we know as the internet and said "here are the keys. You decide what to do"
And you can guess it won't be good for any of us. We'll all pay the price (figuratively and literally) for his decision.
Thanks for nothing Congress! Way to give it all away. Y'all are awesome.
Read what it means here:
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Summer sausage
That and the port wine cheese spread were always awesome and a part of the holidays.
I don't eat beef anymore, so I haven't had it in years. When I saw it on sale today I was taken back in time....
But my question has always been this: why is summer sausage so popular in the late fall/early winter?
Monday, November 27, 2017
An open letter about #GOPTaxScam
I am not a resident of your state, however, I wanted to reach out to you about the tax bill currently being considered because it's breadth will affect all of us.
While I do applaud any attempt to simplify the tax code, this bill was hastily conceived and has not been fully scored by the CBO, and therefore is unlikely to do much for residents of your state, and surely will have unintended consequences.
What we do know about this bill isn't promising. For one thing, the removal of the individual mandate will cause 13 or so million nationwide (a portion of those in your state) to be uninsured, and will also raise premiums by around 10% for most people.
Meanwhile, Medicare Funding would be cut by $25 billion. That would disproportionately affect people with disabilities and the elderly – our friends and family members who need it the most.
Also, the "average tax cut" is just a myth. 50% or so of tax cuts would go to the top 5% wealthiest households in the country in the first year of the law, and gives 98% of millionaires a tax cut compared to just 27% of middle class Americans. Taxes will go up - on average - for people making under $75,000.
While some tout the potential for job creation, I think it's safe to say that the opposite is likely true: corporations will have no incentive to spend the additional tax savings, and will be more likely to move more money offshore and essentially hoard it. And the wording in the bill would encourage more outsourcing of jobs.
Furthermore, there will be cuts to infrastructure investment which would mean our roads and bridges will continue to deteriorate. And surely, when there is the inevitable next storm, less money will be available for aid and repairs.
With changes to federal aid and block grants, your state may have to increase taxes to cover the losses form federal funds.
But it doesn't stop there. Students with loans, those working on research at universities, people with medical expenses, and teachers will all be harmed by the changes to the tax code.
There are also items contained within that have nothing to do with taxation: allowing churches to have a political voice, and restricting abortion are a couple of examples that make this more than a simple change to the tax code.
In the end, the deficit will surely grow, based on the reduced taxation. The number will likely be in the trillions. We all know that many republicans believe that we should reduce the deficit; assuming you believe this as well, surely you can not find this acceptable.
And lest I forget, while Donald Trump assured us that he gets no benefit from this tax bill, but we can see this is utter nonsense. He, personally, will save tens of billions on his tax bill. This is totally self serving and should be treated accordingly. He is pushing legislation that will directly benefit him, and this is not acceptable.
I hope you will vote NO on what many call the GOP tax scam.
Thank you
Thursday, November 16, 2017
I think we’ve all taken stupid pills
Once again we find ourselves looking at a huge piece of legislation that will adversely affect millions of Americans, our financial security, and a chunk of our economy.
And that future rests on, essentially, 3 people. Three freakin people represent the 350 million people and decide the future of some portion of this country.
So stupid.
It amazes me that the GOP has taken a position that they want what they want, and have changed the inner workings of congress to subvert normal order and not review any of these ginormous bills, hold no meaningful public hearings, and then put pressure on the elected people or to just vote yes.
And then, once congress has invariably voted yes, they use reconciliation to morph the bill into something even more harmful ... simply because they can.
So come on you three. Vote no!
You want changes to healthcare? To taxation? Then have at it. But make it an open process and listen to your constituents. Not just the wealthy donors.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
On guns, religion, and more....
In the 1920s, our congress saw the use of machine guns as bad, and decided to restrict their sale to protect the citizens. But gun manufacturers figured out that by calling them "assault rifles" and making them "semi" automatic, they could essentially get around the law. And then, others figured out that you could sell a kit that converted them to automatic, essentially skirting the law. Aside: the word "assault" appears in the name. What could it possibly be used for?
And this congress does nothing because "arms" means whatever you want.
The framers of the constitution had no idea what the future held for weaponry. A musket, like they had at the time, took anywhere from 20 seconds to a minute to load a single shot (depending on which type they were using and the the training of the person using it), and they were not mass produced in a factory - so only some people had them and they were mostly used to maintain order, frequently by slave owners.
Sent from my iPad
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Thursday, November 2, 2017
This is a tad unusual, Ivanka edition
Friday, October 27, 2017
Kneeling and the NFL
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Dave’s take: Trump plans to release classified JFK documents
And surely conspiracy theorists and some on the right will seize on excerpts to try and make some "deep state" linkage to try and tell us government is bad and to setup for the scenario that if trump face impeachment or removal then it's connected somehow.
That said, in spite of my interest in the assassination, I won't go through whatever is released.
I've waited this long. I can wait longer. The only focus should be on our hacked election and our incompetent fool in the Oval Office.
Once that's done, I'll have some reading to catch up on.
Still troubled
The question is about whether it helped sway the entire election.
I keep going back to the polling that was taking place. Near the end of September, the polls looked like this:
Clinton: 49%
Trump: 45%
Other: 3%
Undecided: 3%
Now to be fair, a month or so before, the undecided percentage was higher and looked something like this:
Clinton: 45%
Trump: 37%
Other: 9%
Undecided: 9%
So in essence, they each took some of the undecided and other voters.
But people are funny. Some of the ones who switched might have been single issue folks who could be swayed. But I can't see how it would be enough to swing the election, can you?
I doubt it. Especially since Clinton won the popular vote.
The more I consider it, look into it, and understand it, it seems much more likely that the effort required to affect the vote itself is much less than trying to influence voters and maybe get a result.
Think about the voter suppression efforts. The subtle attempts to change voting locations and times they were open for early voting. The mailers that went out that were intended to confuse voters. The ID requirements. The provisional ballots in some cases.
And then, of course, there is the VERY REAL prospect that votes were altered, or not counted properly.
Electronic voting is vulnerable, as and others have shown us.
Or maybe it was even simpler. We know that some election databases were hacked. To what aim? Whatever it is, it can't be good. Perhaps it was to target some voters so they would encounter issues and have to be provisional - and essentially uncounted.
Hopefully we'll know the truth one day. Our democracy depends on it. Let's simply go back to paper ballots and hand counting them until we find a better way.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Build that wall?!
So we're playing today and the opposing coach tells his team to build a wall on a free kick. They do. My team cleverly passed the ball to a player near the end of that line and then that player took a shot on the goal and scored.
The opposing coach said something about the wall not moving.
And that's when the metaphor hit me: it's always possible to get around said wall.
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Voting against your own self interests
Before Obamacare, there was money given to the state through various programs to fund public hospitals and support the states general health issues. So people could (and did) turn to the public care system when they got sick and didn't have insurance. But all that money was consolidated into the subsidy program, and its not being returned to the public health system.
So in effect, their support of this guy actually worked against their own best interests. And their own health and well being.
It makes no sense, and perhaps at some point, they will realize that they were conned.
So I have to ask "why are you hitting yourself?"
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Thursday, October 12, 2017
A follow up. I know why...
I don't think they ever imagined it work as well as it did. I think they wanted disinformation to aid the cause, but could only dream that we would be so petty, so stupid. And that it continues now is simply mind boggling.
People are still hung up on the contrived controversies like kneeling. Unbelievable.
Yes, Nelson, haha indeed.
What am I missing?
But this whole discussion about how the voting public could be swayed by articles on Facebook, items on twitter, etc. That just baffles me.
Look, I get the technology of target ring and making people feel a certain way about a topic.
What I don't understand is the human nature of it. How is that people are so ambivalent about an election? How is it that a single issue - and a candidates position (or perceived position) on that issue - can sway you? How can a negative article about one of the candidates can push you?
Aren't we all adults here? Can't we make decision based on our own beliefs? Why do we need someone else to influence us?
I see the ads for cars and sodas, and I know people who would never, ever pick the competitor. Because they are a lifer for the one they prefer. People do the same with their sports teams.
And yet when it comes to things like an election, they can't decide and get swayed by an ad that targets them for something as simple as "so and so likes this soda better"...hey I like that soda! I need to vote for him/her!
It's amazing to me. I had a friend who used to tell me "people are dicks" and I guess she was proven to be right.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
#MakeAmericaSmartAgain The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions (Address by Abraham Lincoln before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, January 27, 1838)
How, then, shall we perform it? At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.
At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017
That pesky first amendment, and religion
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
For these American patriots, even the forms of Anglican services were in doubt, since the Prayer Book rites of Matins, Evensong and Holy Communion, all included specific prayers for the British Royal Family. Consequently, the conclusion of the War of Independence eventually resulted in the creation of two new Anglican churches, the Episcopal Church in the United States in those states that had achieved independence
Embracing the symbols of the British presence in the American colonies, such as the monarchy, the episcopate, and even the language of the Book of Common Prayer, the Church of England almost drove itself to extinction during the upheaval of the American Revolution.[27] More than any other denomination, the War of Independence internally divided both clergy and laity of the Church of England in America, and opinions covered a wide spectrum of political views: patriots, conciliators, and loyalists. While many Patriots were suspicious of Loyalism in the church, about three-quarters of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were nominally Anglican laymen, including Thomas Jefferson, William Paca, and George Wythe.[28] It was often assumed that persons considered "High Church" were Loyalists, whereas persons considered "Low Church" were Patriots; assumptions with possibly dangerous implications for the time.
Within the United States, the model of Congregational churches was carried by migrating settlers from New England into New York, then into the Old North West, and further. With their insistence on independent local bodies, they became important in many social reformmovements, including abolitionism, temperance, and women's suffrage. Modern Congregationalism in the United States is largely split into three bodies: the United Church of Christ, the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches and the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference, which is the most theologically conservative.
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Saturday, October 7, 2017
That would be apt.
My recent (CR)APple experience
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Lest you think I'm a tin foil hat person
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Kneeling athletes
It seems odd to me that fans turn a blind eye when a player assaults another person, whether it's beating up someone at a club, obstructing justice in someone's death, or dragging a woman out of an elevator by her hair.
But they suddenly draw the line when players don't stand for anthem. Where was the outrage before?
And now we hear from faux patriots saying the anthem and the flag are so important. And they now despise the nfl and football because they aren't doing something about it.
But where we these same people when the nfl and it's owners pretended to be patriotic, inviting vets to games at a cost to the military? When the nfl wanted us to believe they were patriotic but were really just in it for the bottom line?
IMHO that's 100x worse than a player who exercises their constitutional rights to a silent protest.
And please don't give me the crap about them being on the job. Their employers are allowing it and it's not while they are actually working.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
The cowboys kneeling
And then, in a surprise move that delighted many, the whole team locked arms and kneeled - with him - in a show of solidarity before the anthem started. The fans booed, and the commentators appreciated it. Afterward, it was the talk of the town.
But it bothered me. Because while it showed solidarity, it undercut the nature of the kneeling movement in large part. The owner had them kneel, but made it awkward because he was directing his players to do so. And then they stood with arms locked during the anthem so no one could deviate.
In the back of mind I thought, hey look the old white guy is controlling the message in a way that looks like he's taking on the issue, but really is him telling everyone what to do.
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Trump, russia, and collusion
But in reading more and listening to things that come out, I'm rethinking that. I now believe he was more than the recipient of Russia's efforts and sort of lucked into it. Rather, I am now thinking he was complicit.
Maybe I underestimated him and he's smarter than I thought (and he looks!) and realized what was going on and accepted it.
My rationale has to do with how he engaged with Russia along the way, and now he stirs the pot every time there's some connection made to Russia - in order to distract. The timing is too perfect and the distractions are exactly what you might expect from someone who comes across as clueless but is really conniving.
There are some folks that are following what russia is tracking on social media. And it's always related to things trump says. Coincidence? Doubtful.
I have no specific evidence at this point. But man russia is manipulating things so wildly and we just stand idly by and fight about race, the flag, and other issues that shouldn't be this divisive. Talk about them winning the Cold War...
Caption the photo as "Donald trump takes a knee"
Friday, September 22, 2017
Vote no on trumpcare
Please vote NO on the healthcare bill. It will destroy services for disabled children and adults. Please do the right thing again and stop it. I read the following in the newspaper. It "violates the precept of 'first do no harm'" and "would result in millions of Americans losing their health insurance coverage." – American Medical Association, which represents doctors.
It is "the worst healthcare bill yet." – American Nurses Association.
It "would erode key protections for patients and consumers." – American Hospital Association.
The "process [in the Senate] is just as bad as the substance. ... Most Americans wouldn't buy a used car with this little info." – AARP.
The bill will "weaken access to the care Americans need and deserve." – American Heart Association, jointly with the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, the American Diabetes and Lung associations, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the March of Dimes and others.
"This bill harms our most vulnerable patients." – American Psychiatric Association.
It would hurt "consumers and patients by further destabilizing the individual market; cutting Medicaid; pulling back on protections for pre-existing conditions." – America's Health Insurance Plans.
It "would lead to a loss of health insurance for at least 32 million people after 2026. ... By repealing the ACA's coverage expansions and cutting deeply into the Medicaid program, the Graham-Cassidy bill threatens the health care of as many as 100 million people, from newborns to the elderly." – Sara Collins, The Commonwealth Fund.

in NYT does all this plus destroy services for disabled
| ||
Defenders of the new Trumpcare — the Graham-Cassidy bill — are telling Jimmy Kimmel to be quiet and leave the health policy debate to the experts. So I wanted to give you a quick rundown this morning of what the experts are saying about the bill: | ||
It "violates the precept of 'first do no harm'" and "would result in millions of Americans losing their health insurance coverage." – American Medical Association, which represents doctors. | ||
It is "the worst healthcare bill yet." – American Nurses Association. | ||
It "would erode key protections for patients and consumers." – American Hospital Association. | ||
The "process [in the Senate] is just as bad as the substance. ... Most Americans wouldn't buy a used car with this little info." – AARP. | ||
The bill will "weaken access to the care Americans need and deserve." – American Heart Association, jointly with the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, the American Diabetes and Lung associations, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the March of Dimes and others. | ||
"This bill harms our most vulnerable patients." – American Psychiatric Association. | ||
It would hurt "consumers and patients by further destabilizing the individual market; cutting Medicaid; pulling back on protections for pre-existing conditions." – America's Health Insurance Plans. | ||
It "would lead to a loss of health insurance for at least 32 million people after 2026. ... By repealing the ACA's coverage expansions and cutting deeply into the Medicaid program, the Graham-Cassidy bill threatens the health care of as many as 100 million people, from newborns to the elderly." – Sara Collins, The Commonwealth Fund. | ||
Take that, Jimmy Kimmel. You're nothing but a late-night talk show host trying to prevent your fellow citizens from losing access to decent medical care. | ||
In today's Times, Paul Krugman brings back the three-legged stool to explain Graham-Cassidy. |