Showing posts with label Soarin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soarin. Show all posts

Friday, November 3, 2023

Soarin update

I’m in Epcot today, so I thought I’d stop by and see how my player was performing  

It is at #2. The guy above just keeps his distance; I catch him once in a while but then he'll just separate further. 

I'm running the program from home, so I also showed up on the lists for most points today, last hour, etc. 


Thursday, September 21, 2023

Soarin challenge

I felt the need to return my player to first place. Why? Just because. 

And along the way, I noticed several times that my player, and the others in the top 10, had points taken away. 

For reasons I can't explain. 

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Soarin' Challenge (odd update)

There are some shenanigans going on. For some reason, points were removed and I find that my auto player is in spot #4. 🤔

Doesn't really matter. I was at the top and I have the screen shot to prove it.

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Soarin challenge: update #3

After a few stops and starts - at times, during repeating guessing at answers, the game would stop or perhaps kick me out - I was able to push my score to 6,000,000.

By far and away #1 right now.

It's possible the guy at #2 will suddenly make a run and take over the top spot. But no matter. I'll still be the first to get that many points and should always remain far removed from any other competitors.

It was fun, and I enjoyed it. But I'm done.

My real player dropped to #9 by the way. I guess people got active again in the lower part of the top 10. Still. I'm happy with how this went.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Soarin challenge update #2

As I noted in my previous post, I wrote about how I stopped playing the game myself. And mentioned that I had created another player who was at #3. 

Allow me to elucidate. I wanted to get all the way to #1, but getting there actually playing the game was improbable, given how everyone in the top 10 keeps playing to maintain their position. 

So I decided to write a *very simple* script that played for me. I won't bore you with the details of how I set it up, but essentially, I had the cursor move and click on random answers for each question. 

Boom. It took off. I climbed quickly into the top 20.  The hit rate was about 20% correct, but that's close to what I'd expect since I randomized answers and was really just guessing…

Of course, I could have written better code, or even tracked answers to up the percentage correct. 

But I didn't want to do more than my initial 30 minutes of work building the code. And I could just let it run, so why bother? I opted to leave it. 

I figured the program could outwork everyone, get to #1 and I'd set the number really high. 

Except … the person who was at #1 clearly had a similar mindset. 

As far as I can tell "he" has a more sophisticated automation, and it kicked off every time I pulled within 300k, and pushed his lead back to 500k. 

I started to think my "life goal" would remain unfulfilled. 😆

And then…something unusual happened. While it was running today, I slipped past him. 

I took the lead!

(That's my auto player at #1, bruh!)

I don't know how or why. And I don't care. 

I also don't care that in the evening, he started playing again and retook the lead. 

For a few glorious hours, I was on top. 

And no one can take that away. 

And if I continue to challenge the player, he and I can have scores so high that no one will EVER catch us. 

That was a lot of fun. And I'm glad I did it. Hopefully I can see my name in lights when I go back to the attraction one day. 

Oh. And I should point out that my personal game moved back up to #7 without me playing. I was getting points for other red team members playing while I was tracking my rise to fame. 

Soarin challenge. Update #1

I kept playing. Got to 1,500,000 points and was sitting in the #5 position.

But what I noticed was that everyone in the top 10 was playing at times, and trying to hold their position.

So I kept getting pushed backwards.

I decided that my stated goal of moving to #1 was going to be unachievable by just playing the game.

….and that's when I decided I couldn't take that laying down!

I opted for a new approach, which I'll detail in a subsequent post.

But I'll tell you this: in the screen shot attached, the player in the #3 position is also me. And that's why my relative position is #6.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Soarin' Challenge

Recently I was at Epcot, and went into soarin…great ride.

I started playing the soarin' challenge and was doing pretty well. For some reason, I wasn't geo blocked once I left the attraction, though my son was (go figure). So I kept playing. And I'm currently 7th best all time.