Monday, June 12, 2017

Stop trumpcare! Contact these States to help people with disabilities.

If you know anyone in these states below please ask them to contact their senator to help people with disabilities of any age from 0 – 100+ years old.

            Alaska -Lisa Murkowski   (202) 224-6665  AND  David Sullivan  (202) 224-3004

Arizona -Jeff Flake (202) 224-4521

Arkansas- Tom Cotton (202) 224-2353

           Colorado - Cory Gardner (202) 224-5941

Louisiana- Bill Cassidy (202) 224-5824

Ohio- Rob Portman (202) 224-3353

Maine -Susan Collins (202) 224-2523

Nevada -Dean Heller (202) 224-6244

Pennsylvania- Pat Toomey (202) 224-4254

West Virginia - Shelley Moore Capito (202) 224-6472

 The US Senate is now drafting a revision to the American Health Care Act (AHCA) that would hurt Medicaid--and hurt people with disabilities who rely on Medicaid.

Please contact your Senator with the following message:


Under existing law, people on Medicaid--including thousands children and adults with disabilities--have a RIGHT to certain services that Medicaid funds. The Senate is considering imposing "per capita caps" or "block grants" on Medicaid. These would ELIMINATE THE RIGHT to certain services that people with disabilities on Medicaid currently have, because it would limit the funds available for such services. Please OPPOSE PER CAPITA CAPS and OPPOSE BLOCK GRANTS.


You can find contact info for all senators at

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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Call your senators and ask them to vote NO on changes to the ACA

Looks like they're maybe going to hold a vote soon. The suggestion I got was to ask to speak to the "health legislative assistant"; the names are below - I highlighted Rubio if you live in Florida.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Not our president

I think the one thing that is unassailable is that Russia sought to influence our election. And did.

There can be only one outcome here: the administration is deligitamized and we need to move forward from here.

New election. Period. End of story.

Why the Russian influence matters...

It's this. 

From senator Mark Warner's opening remarks: 

So I'd like to briefly describe, at least from this senator's standpoint, what we already know and what we're still investigating. To be clear, this whole (ph) investigation is not about relitigating the election. It's not about who won or lost. And it sure as heck is not about Democrats versus Republicans.

We're here because a foreign adversary attacked us right here at home, plain and simple, not by guns or missiles, but by foreign operatives seeking to hijack our most important democratic process -- our presidential election.

Russian spies engaged in a series of online cyber raids and a broad campaign of disinformation, all ultimately aimed at sowing chaos to us to undermine public faith in our process, in our leadership and ultimately in ourselves.

And that's not just this senator's opinion, it is the unanimous determination of the entire U.S. intelligence community. So we must find out the full story, what the Russians did, and, candidly, as some other colleagues have mentioned, why they were so successful. And, more importantly, we must determine the necessary steps to take to protect our democracy and ensure they can't do it again.

Chairman mentioned elections in 2018 and 2020. In my home state of Virginia, we have elections this year, in 2017. Simply put, we cannot let anything or anyone prevent us from getting to the bottom of this.

Short. Sweet. To the point. That's the beauty Dave's iPhone.