Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Treason? Really?

Trump has been railing about "Obamagate" for a while now.

Yesterday, he decided to tell us what the supposed "crimes" Obama committed while in office might have been.

He repeated the same word three times.


The Constitution has a specific definition for the word: "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."

That and only that. President Obama never levied war nor gave aid or comfort to our enemies. 

However, in stating that Obama did this, Trump is guilty of levying a false accusation of unsurpassed gravity and guilty of violating his oath of office, specifically,  to protect and defend Article III, which defines treason.

That's right, in levying a false (and unsubstantiated) claim against his predecessor, he is guilty of a high crime that should have him removed from office.

His words have meaning, and the senate should hold up their oath of office, and hold him to account for using such salacious words. 

And yet they will simply shrug it off as "Trump being Trump"....all the while they were breathless and rabid about Obama's coffee cup salute that was the single most egregious thing ever!

And one might argue that Trump is projecting his own treason (he has arguably aided enemies).

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Stop the insanity!

I feel like every day is a new day in stupidity when it comes to trump and the gop. Their continued assault on us and our rights is nothing short of breathtaking.

But the one thing that gets me right now is the stupidity around wearing a mask. Why people argue about this is beyond me. There is one simple way to slow the spread of the virus: wear a freaking mask. It's not hard, and while it may be annoying, it shouldn't really be up for debate.

But of course it is.

Meanwhile in Florida, several counties have enacted mask orders. It's a way to keep the population safe. And there's one gop state representative who has decided this is a bad idea and is suing the counties that enacted them, citing "invasion of privacy"...which is kind of the opposite of what you hear when they talk about Muslims and the burka and how you don't know who's behind the veil.

Anyway, I suspect he doesn't understand what privacy is, exactly. And I'm not sure, as a member of the state house, that he has standing to sue the counties. But who the heck knows anymore.

Florida man, at his finest.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

AD: Lindsey Graham Loves Joe Biden

As Greens Reckon With Racism, Staff At A Major Group Revolt Over Pro-Trump Board Member

this guy owns the Miami Dolphins in the nfl. Not that he was getting my money, anyway, but now I want nothing to do with his (putrid) product. 

Short. Sweet. To the point. That's the beauty Dave's iPhone.

Coronavirus reporting

The lady setup Florida's tracking dashboard, who was fired for (mumble, mumble, pick a reason) - and who later told us it was because the gov didn't like her level of accuracy, has setup her own website to track info accurately.


#Awesome. Real information!