Thursday, December 3, 2020

Helping others

Its the holiday season, so we're seeing more about organizations that are setup to help others.The likes of the Ronald McDonald House spring to mind.  

And I don't have anything against this program, rather I think its great.

But my question is: why? Why does it exist?  Why do we have a system that treats seriously ill children with such disregard that they have to go to what amounts to a crowdsourced program to help?

Why isn't there a better way?  We are a first world nation, and can and should be helping those in need.  It should not come down to McDonalds founding an organization that takes in contributions for its existence - and purpose of helping those who simply can't help themselves and through no fault of their own were born with some nebulous "pre-existing condition"

The NFL is stupid

They put some protocols in place, and worked at having a plan for covid cases.

And then, when it came time, they mostly eschewed the plan in favor of money. Early on, they tried postponing games, but they seemed to realize that would impact the playoffs. They had a plan to possibly expand the playoffs, but they seemed to realize that would impact the Super Bowl.

So instead they just threw caution to the wind and are doing some really dumb things that affect the quality of the game in favor of the short term revenue to be had by just playing.

This week, they trotted out a Broncos team that had not a single QB on the roster. Can't sign anyone because that rule they enforced. Can't delay the game because..reasons! So a high school game was played. And it was dreadful.

Then the ravens had positive tests so they pushed them out as far as they could, and they took the field with some number of active players (well below the threshold they set) and the team hadn't practiced. So this one looked more like lower tier college. Again, bad football.

What a stupid mess. As I've said before, in general, for entertainment, the nfl is okay. But, you can't expect much from it, and certainly you can't root for a team. That's pointless.

So keep your crappy product, nfl.

I've spent not one dime on anything of theirs for a long time now. And this year just reminds me that was the right thing to do.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Now that’s absurd.

Man that crazy lady (Powell) got me to thinking about the lawsuit she filed in Georgia to decertify the election, based on nothing, and demanding it simply be handed over to Trump....

Someone pointed out that since she technically doesn't work for Trump, she might not have legal standing. And the suit is absurd anyway.

So I was wondering if I could do the same thing in florida to try and get a court to just hand it over to Biden based on "so many words" ...

I could wear a tinfoil hat and stand outside a landscape company and let something drip down my head, and get in the news cycle.

Maybe say I personally saw Fidel arriving in Miami and voting a bunch of times for Trump.

Tell me how that's different.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Plug-In Hybrids Under Attack By Environmentalists | CarBuzz

Hmmmm. I've been saying for some time that a hybrid is a kind of a hack. Yeah it gets you better gas mileage, but it's not really helpful in terms of environmental friendliness or going electric. And it's really a way for the car companies to take advantage of tax breaks.

Apparently I'm not alone in my thinking...

Short. Sweet. To the point. That's the beauty Dave's iPhone.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

“They want to change our way of life”

During the election cycle 8 years ago, a guy a knew was adamant that Obama had to be defeated so we could return to our way of life. I really didn't understand what he meant. His point eluded me. Was it racist? Based on his policy?

So here we are in 2020 and the point has been coming into much sharper focus. In fact, there was a local non-partisan race with three contenders a few weeks ago.

One decided to go full-on maga. She tied herself to trump, to the republicans, and generally made it a partisan position.

She won, and people scratched their heads. How did she do it?

But a high school student who was working on one of the other campaigns astutely said "[she was saying] if you don't vote for me, your way of life will be taken away."

And that's exactly what the guy meant 8 years ago. And what many Trump supporters have decided all of this means.

It was/is a battle for the soul of this country. Braggadocio, American exceptionalism, white privilege (even if it's unstated), and fear are the way he won and why 70-something million people voted for him.

Listen to the words. Socialism=bad. BLM=bad. Foreigners=bad. Anything that strays from whatever form of religion they believe=bad. "Our" way of life has been twisted to mean anything that the wealthy want it to.

I mean, the sad reality is that trump and many of the other so-called leaders don't care about people, they only care about themselves. Think most of the most ardent supporters would ever get an invite to go to mar-a-lago? I suppose only if mar-a-lago was the name of a landscaping company.

And as for caring, gee as the G20 summit (which would have been hosted in DC if not for the pandemic) kicked off, trump was rage tweeting about the election again. And when the leaders met to talk covid, he went off to a tee time. Because he simply can't be bothered to govern or care about real world issues. It is all about him. And after all, that's the way it's been the last 3 11/12 years, so why start now?

Who's way of life? ...And people caught in the cult of personality still can't see it.