Monday, May 31, 2021

An open letter to my GOP senators

Subject: you are wrong about the January 6th commission

Either you are complicit in the actions on that day, acted against our government yourself, or you are supporting protecting those who were. In any case, you are allowing a seditious act to have been committed and are endorsing it.

An independent committee was necessary to get to the truth. But I guess that's just too much for today's Republican Party. You only care about votes and money than actually protecting and serving the constitution.

Abraham Lincoln once said (to paraphrase) that the only way the United States could be destroyed was from within. It takes a willful act from those who know better to undermine our establishment.

You have shown yourself to be a coward and while you opine about foreign terrorists bent on destroying us, you turn a blind eye to domestic terrorism and the very real threat to our democracy.

History was already written that shows how incompetent you are. Your vote on this matter merely underscores what we already knew.

If you could feel shame, surely you would have some now. But we know you can't feel any.

So our only choice is to remove you from office - by our vote, rather than the means by which you wanted to allow on Jan 6th

Sunday, May 30, 2021

The pandemic isn’t quite over...

Although it doesn't get a lot of press, things aren't going so great in India or Brazil. Case rates are up, distribution of vaccine is slow, and variants have emerged that make the virus spread faster.

And so far the vaccines we have available will protect us against these variants.

By the way, we also have noted that having the virus once doesn't stop someone from getting it again, apparently.

So we've got a ways to go. Meanwhile, here in the US, things are better. And a return to something like normal makes sense if you are vaccinated. You are somewhere around 95% protected from getting a severe case of the virus, though you may get it and feel a little sick. And you can still spread it.

But now that vaccines are widely available to anyone over 12, there's no reason not to get one. Aside from some fringey bullshit, most adults should have one already, or be planning to get one shortly.

And frankly, to those people who choose to not get one, the burden shifts to you. We did our part to curb the spread. We wore a mask, stayed home, and now we have the vaccine.

If those of us who are vaccinated choose to go out unmasked and wind up infecting you, we shouldn't feel bad about it. You had the opportunity to get vaccinated. And if you didn't, well, that's not our problem.

(Disclaimer: if we know we'll be around someone vulnerable we can and should still mask)

I really can't understand eschewing the vaccine based on stupid and fatally flawed "junk science" or religion or political ideology.

On that topic, you may have noticed that the covid case rates and covid deaths have been decreasing and it's being hailed as good...

And it is. With a caveat.

Case rates have always simply been a barometer. The positivity rate has always been based on the population at large who choose to get tested.

When more people got tested, the numbers went up. But on the population that got tested, the positivity rate stayed nearly the same throughout.

Now there's a reduction in testing numbers, because large volume sites are closing, so there aren't as many people being tested. And the people who are vaccinated aren't getting tested...

In short, the positivity rate among those being tested is somewhere around the same - but the number of positive tests has been decreasing.

The death rate from covid is more specific. There's a percentage of people who died "from covid" but never got tested, and there are people who tested positive but died from "other causes"... it's been suggested that these two numbers essentially cancel out, so the death rate may be something close to accurate.

So if we look at the death rates falling over the last few weeks, we notice something: it has fallen by about 40%, which happens to be the vaccination rate.

This is surely not a coincidence.

And it would suggest that the death rate, not unlike the positivity rate, remains the same for the UNvaccinated people.

So if you need another reason to get a vaccine, there you go.

Take advantage of the lotterys, giveaways, and other things that are being offered, and join the millions who see through the nonsense.

Get freaking vaccinated.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Tampa Bay Rays minority owners sue Sternberg, say he secretly negotiated Montreal deal

In case you ever doubted that sports are nothing more than a cash grab....

Short. Sweet. To the point. That's the beauty Dave's iPhone.

FAST COMPANY: Why workers are calling BS on leaders about returning to the office

I've heard the stories from others, and am seeing starting at my workplace too. 

One company said "hey, we do business face-to-face" (even though they are truly a stock trading type company) and then told workers "we never actually left; it's not a return to office...we've always been here...that was always temporary"

Why workers are calling BS on leaders about returning to the office
As vaccinations and relaxed health guidelines make returning to the office a reality for more companies, there seems to be a disconnect between managers and their workers over remote work.

Read in Fast Company:

Short. Sweet. To the point. That's the beauty Dave's iPhone. 

Proverbial 'Smoking Gun' Of Trump Camp Giving Info To Russia Seen In Doc...

Monday, May 17, 2021

Trust those around you?

The world is upside down. We have around 30% of the population that still believes the Orange menace won the election. We had an insurrection. And there are still a subset of those people who believe the pandemic is a hoax and/or won't get a vaccine for supercilious reasons.

And the CDC tells us to trust those around us as we head back out to something-that-resembles normal.

But the reality is that fewer than 4/10 people have been vaccinated. So if I walk into a room with 10 people in it, I know I'm vaccinated, but 6 of the other 9 people will NOT have been vaccinated. (On average, of course, I'm just making a point)

But don't worry! It'll be okay!

Ummmm. That trust thing really troubles me.

Maybe I'm (relatively ?) safe. But there is still much research being done on whether that's true.

It's a giant Petri dish experiment we're conducting.

On the one hand, we are still all in this together. So we should still be trying to protect ourselves and those people we're being asked to trust.

And on the other, if people are stupid enough to fill plastic bags with gas, then what's the point? Because we are all doomed anyway.

I'm not liking the possible outcomes here.