Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Super bowl participants

The dolphins last won the super bowl after the 1973 season. You know nearly 50 years ago. They’ve been back twice (both in the 80s), but didn’t win. 

Meanwhile, here’s how the rest of the NFL has done in that span:

Team                      Appearances       Wins 
Patriots                        11                      6 
Steelers                         8                      6 
Broncos                        8                      3 
49ers                             7                      5 
Cowboys                      6                       4 
Giants                           5                       4 
Rams                            5                        1*
Raiders                         4                        3 
football team                4                        3 
Bills                              4                        0
Packers                         3                        2 
Eagles                           3                        1 
Seahawks                      3                        1 
Bengals                         3                        0*
Ravens                          2                        2 
Bucs                              2                        2 
Chiefs                            2                        1
Bears                             2                        1
Colts                              2                        1 
Dolphins                        2                        0
Vikings                          2                        0
Panthers                         2                        0
Falcons                          2                        0
 Saints                            1                        1
 Cardinals                       1                        0
 Titans                            1                        0
 Chargers                        1                        0

Wonky formatting. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Monday, January 31, 2022

Trump says he wanted Pence to overturn the 2020 election…

Trump says he wanted Pence to overturn the 2020 election and falsely claims it was vice president's 'right'

So essentially what he's saying is that whoever is in power an simply stay in power from here on out. Kinda like a dictatorship?

Does that mean elections no longer matter, and since Biden is our current president, he can just stay there forever?

Or does it only apply if you have an R next to your name?


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

So f’ing dumb

I saw a headline this morning to the effect of 'in response to the surf side tragedy, senate approves bill for state inspections'

In general, the legislation is a good idea. And maybe it's well written enough to do some good.

My issue has to with the fact that it took them 6 months to come up with something designed to actually protect citizens. But meanwhile, they could quickly and glibly cobble together a bill that forces twitter to allow 45 back on.

And, worse, they held a special legislative session to pass a law that school boards can't require masks.

Those were legislative priorities. But protecting citizens is not.

I got issues.

Sent from my iPad

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Ain’t that stupid?

In response to #45 getting booted from social media, the state of Florida made it a "legislative priority" to prohibit social media companies from banning politicians.

They passed a law … and it was blocked from implementation. Essentially saying that the state was not specific enough.

Predictably, the state has appealed.

But here's the rub. It's one state trying to tell a private company how to conduct business. Because…reasons!

Meanwhile, they fought hard against the White House requiring a vaccine mandate for private businesses. Because you can't tell private … business … what to …

Oh the absurdity.

And there's the not so subtle problem of equal protection. Each state can do what's in its own best interest. It's why we have different healthcare options depending on where you live, why insurance for cars and homes varies, why voting is inconsistent, and so on.

But one state wants to dictate how a private company, that is not even based in that state, operates in every state. And some states surely don't agree with Florida.

Yeah, this is the problem with having mini #45 serving as the governor here. His legislative "priorities" and how he allocated tax dollars to suit him … is insane.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

This Novak Djokovic story is stupid

The whole thing. All of it. Is dumb.

Australia as a nation has its rules. Novak decided the rules didn't apply to him and looked for a loophole. "His team" found one and used the specter of the dollars associated with the tournament to try and exploit it.

A legal battle ensues and he wins, on the technical merits of how he used the loophole.

Then the country decides that there's a larger problem: politics. If you let him play fast and loose with the rules, then there are no rules. You can't enforce anything anymore. There's an election upcoming. They are at least trying to protect the public interest.

So they cancel his visa and expedite a court case to deport him.

End of story.

At any point, he could have simply left. But instead he decided to be a self important, entitled, prick. The rules didn't apply to him. His team made the mistake, not him. He was there for the love of sport. He was persecuted. He has views on the whole pandemic that he wants to share.

The country probably didn't handle it correctly from the start. But they did ultimately handle it in the way that enforced their rules. And they had to use their legal system to sort it out.

I'm not here to debate whether they were right, or wrong, just that they had rules and they upheld them.

But I have to say I'm glad that he lost. For once, a pompous asshole gets his comeuppance in spite of his money and relative power.

And it's led to some great memes and funny comments. So winning! On several fronts.

"Novak is the first player to lose a major tennis match after missing two shots"