Monday, July 3, 2023

Listen to my latest podcast episode

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: The Supreme Court.

Short. Sweet. To the point. That's the beauty Dave's iPhone.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Big changes in life are emotionally exhausting

They say that's the case. And sure I've been through others and they were. But losing my job as I inch closer to retirement really has been exhausting.

Possibly, I could have changed jobs at some point here in the next few years, or maybe could have retired a little earlier than expected. And I have no doubt those would have taken more or less the same emotional toll.

3 decades of doing something consistently, and it ends. You have to adapt. We as humans like that consistency. It's hard for us.

Even if for some reason I went back to the company I used to work for, it would be different. Sure the trappings might be familiar, but I would feel different.

Anywho, I had a weird ass dream last night. Someone at my old company texted / called me to offer a job. I was conflicted about it, but was going to take it.

And then I woke up, and I was very disoriented. After a few minutes, I started to understand what was bothering me about the situation the other day.

While the old team moving into a department I wanted to go to was jarring, it was the conversation I had with old work friends that got to me.

I told one friend I had no real intention of going back, but for a good opportunity I might consider it. And in my head I was thinking that someone would have to reach out and want ME for it to be a real consideration.

What I came to realize was that in all the time I was looking - both before and after my notification - no one actually helped in any way.

Some people listened, made what seemed like good suggestions (that were dead ends), and even helped with my resume. But there were no solid offers of jobs, even for things I applied and interviewed for. A side note: the company is VERY slow to hire - even internally - so it's hard not to take it a little personally.

I might be inclined to make an exception for the person that thought I was the top candidate for a job. But given that it was never actually offered? That's just noise.

No one cares about me and no one remembers me, really.

And the part that really stings is that no one will ever call and say they want me.

That realization sums it up. My being upset. My dream. It all comes from there.

I've mentioned before that years ago there was a guy who left, and they had a big party for him. "Great guy! We'll miss you!" Lots of people came. Some even offered him (seemingly real) opportunities to stay.

And then for me? I mailed back my laptop and no one really said goodbye.

Soarin' Challenge (odd update)

There are some shenanigans going on. For some reason, points were removed and I find that my auto player is in spot #4. 🤔

Doesn't really matter. I was at the top and I have the screen shot to prove it.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Don’t Get Confused about the Trump Indictments

That’s a bit irritating

It's been a while since I left my last job. And mostly, I'm over it. Moved on.

But yesterday, I talked with someone who was giving me an update on my old team.

The story I heard was that the department my team moved into right before I was let go wanted to save some money. The broader organization put a dollar figure on savings, and so my boss decided she could help with that…

One guy who was moving to our team left the company - that's some of that money…. But she could help more and deal with me (owing to her taking a dislike to me, after specifically bringing me on to do a job - which I completed!) in one swoop.

Did she have to? No.

But can't miss that opportunity to kiss up!

As I looked for an escape hatch, I talked with people in information security. Seemed like a natural next step. But of course I had no luck. (Aside: I also heard that one senior person in the group found out I was let go and was surprised - even though I had told her myself, hello?)

And why does that matter? Well, the second piece of news is that the team moved (again!) …. This time into information security. Figures.

Oh but it doesn't quite stop there. The old boss didn't move with the team, they found a new role for her…and the team now reports to one of the people I was talking to about a role.

So it's like a little salt in a wound. Getting rid of me was pointless in a way. And stupid. And self serving.

Sigh…. I have some thoughts. Mostly about the old boss…



Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Monday, June 19, 2023

Bitchin' Dave's Newsletter


June 20, 2023

Insights, news, ramblings, and other serious nonsense from Dave 
Dave’s Musings
The attached article was recently posted. The premise is that Massachusetts created a right to repair law for cars, but the federal government suggests this is a bad idea and aims to block such laws. 

My reaction was “can’t anyone repair a car? It’s just mechanical parts…right?”  

But the issue is much deeper. Cars have computers on board.  At some point in time, the rudimentary computer would generate a code that a mechanic could download via a tool in order to find the problem. This ability to use a “scan tool” was originally only used by the car dealerships. But through legislation, and an agreement with the manufacturers, consumers (and independent car repair shops) wound up getting the right to use these tools themselves. 

But in the last few-ish years, car companies have been doing away with these simple systems, in favor of a more sophisticated system - one which wirelessly sends data back to the auto manufacturer. 

As an aside: you probably are unaware of the data that is transmitted, and surely there would be privacy concerns if you did know: it tracks the usual diagnostics. But it also notes braking, speeding, location, and other bits of data about your driving habits. And oh sure, I knew this was the case when I got my Tesla, but I had no idea other car companies did this too!

The auto manufacturers see this as a means to build better cars. And to steer you (pun intended) to the dealerships for repairs.  They don’t want you going anywhere else. But you, as a consumer, no longer have a choice (or won’t soon), and independent repair shops will be driven (again?!) out of business. 

So Massachusetts saw this and created a law that gives you the right to repair. The auto makers hate it. And what of the federal government? Well, their concerns are about privacy and safety. All of this data is being transmitted back to the auto companies, rather than staying “in the car” - and with the amount of data they are collecting, and how the connection to the car works, it’s possible there could be a data breach that could impact millions of drivers. Or there is a small possibility that  someone could send data back to the car to do something nefarious, like preventing the brakes from engaging. 

And that’s where technology puts us. The larger issue is, as I’ve noted before, car companies are not much good at software. Somehow, that needs to change. 


There's a video which shows Chinese taikonauts on the Shenzho space station with a glass of water sitting on a table.

Its an unusual thing to see, and surely seems counter-intuitive. We've all seen video of water molecules floating in space.

How could water possibly stay in a glass? What's up with that? Is it a hoax? Are the taikonauts not actually in space?

Well, it turns out that science is at play. The glass itself is attached to the table, and the molecules are bound to one another, and held in the glass because of surface tension (in the same way that in a grade school experiment a paperclip can float on the surface of a glass of water).

Its actually a pretty neat "trick," that hadn't been shown before.

There's an interesting case being played out in Montana.

16 students are suing the state in what's being termed a "climate trial" where they are saying the state is endangering its residents, them especially, for not protecting them from climate change.

The case is still ongoing, and they have presented their evidence. The state is not presenting much or testifying, and is somewhat defiant in saying there's nothing they can do.

It will be interesting to see where this nets out....

One of the things that interests me is Disney's history in the state of Florida. I've studied it thoroughly, and think I have a pretty good idea of the story. I share a large chunk of that knowledge in a 30 minute video where I talk about how we got "here".... I hope you enjoy it.

Recently, the county I live in here in Florida jumped in on the (absurdly politically charged) topic of banned books. The library system started issuing library cards that say "I read banned books"

Some people think its great, others take exception. But one politician decided to show a little ignorance.

In short, he said something like "there are no banned books in all of Florida! We have a vetting process and some books simply don't make it to the shelves."

Which is simply a semantics game. By "vetting" them, they are banning them before they make it to the shelves.

To me, that is just this side of amusing.

One Little Spark … 

… for your imagination

I am a bit bewildered by the current stance on immigrants.  Our country was built by immigrants, and honestly they make the country stronger, more diverse, and much more interesting.

But following how the state of Florida is behaving is somewhat astonishing.  The state - in particular the governor - has decided to violate state law, and runs right up against federal law by hiring private contractors to move immigrants who are here legally from one state that is not Florida to another state that is also not Florida.  Using our Florida tax dollars.

California's governor suggests its kidnapping, and he may be right.  According to the story that various media outlets are reporting, people posing as officials are telling immigrants that they have work and housing for them, if they will just go with them.  But of course its a ruse to create political theater.   There is no job.  No housing. There is some nonsense with fraudulent documents, and using language barriers to their advantage.

The issues I have here are many, but let's start with these being human beings who are simply looking for a better life, who are here in accordance with the law.  And they're being used as pawns in some insipid game, being derided, and who are afraid to say much because they don't want to be deported.

Bear in mind that unless you are native American, we are ALL immigrants to this country.  Sure, some people have been here for many generations, but what gives any of us the right to tell someone else they can't be here?

Dave’s latest video

This episode is about Apple Car Play, and the general plans for it according to Apple - and I talk about why Tesla and GM won't be including it.

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