Lots going on, so its been a some time between newsletters. My plan is to produce something weekly, but there may be some gaps here and there.
Anyway, here are some hot topics that have come up recently:
- The Supreme Court finds itself at the center of controversy based on recent rulings, ethics questions, and what might be called "judicial activism"
- The Tour de France started! For some reason, I find this to be one of the more intriguing events each year, and I pretty much have it on in the background every day during its month
On a related note, I am getting back into podcasting, to talk about topics of interest on a decidedly (for now) irregular schedule. I'm picking up with the "Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?" and recently shared my thoughts about the court, and last year talked about the Tour. Feel free to check it out:
Climate change is real, and a concern to us all. I see no real harm in taking action. I mean, heck, the budget for the US military was $877 billion (more than the next 10 countries COMBINED!). Why not take a portion of that, say 5% and put it toward research and action?
5% isn't much of that total, but is still $9 billion dollars. That would go a long way toward helping, and would maybe be a better use of our resources that continually spending on war, prevention of war, or weapons of war.
There are those who say climate change isn't real, or isn't important. Here are some cogent answers to some of these items.
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