Sunday, June 2, 2024

This is awesome.

The Chinese landed a spacecraft on the "far side of the moon" - which people can't quite wrap their head around; it doesn't mean quite what most people think. 

And of course there is the immediate outrage that it's fake, that the Chinese are pulling a fast one, or whatever nonsense gets pulled. 

It's a great achievement for human kind. Maybe we could accomplish more here at home if we pulled our heads out of our asses and stopped fighting about stupid things. Just saying.

What the actual fuck?

A teacher held a slave auction and used the N word for her 5th grade class. You know, like 10 year olds.

Some kind words and a little decency

Katy Perry Shares Edited Version of Harrison Butker speech

Thursday, May 30, 2024

This is where we are

I'm happy that justice prevailed  - but I weep for our nation because people still support this shit stain of a person  

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

On graduation

I went to my sons college graduation and as I sat in the audience, I felt a sense of pride. Its his accomplishment of course, but I'd like to think I had some influence on him. 

But the reason for this post was something that occurred to me. When I graduated college, I had this deep sense of pride, of accomplishment, of feeling like I'd reached some pinnacle. Like it was bigger than me. 

But I also remembered going through whatever catechism class and having my first communion. An uncle (who went on to become a pastor) asked how I felt. Did I feel god or some such nonsense. 

I admit I felt a sort of bigger than myself moment. 

And later I realized that this is the intent of all of these ceremonies that involve a form of pomp and circumstance. 

Whether it's religious in nature or academic the same feelings are evoked. 

And this idea that I might have "felt god" is simply absurd. 

Look at that…

The program has a net positive effect. Why are so many people opposed to it?

Maybe because some don't want anyone to have opportunities. It's better for "business" - if more people remain somewhat oppressed, uneducated, and poor, then you have more ability to control them.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Bitchin' Dave's Newsletter - May 28

 Dave’s Musings

I find it hard to believe, but this newsletter marks my one year anniversary of sharing my musings!

A little bit of housekeeping. I will be taking some time off over the next month. I plan to return with a new format newsletter sometime in July. Keep an eye out for it!

This view of the ISS is pretty cool

And it's good to know that there are actually organizations looking at all the space junk. It's a step…

Scientists found human footprints that were believed to be more than 10,000 years old - but actually turned out to be more than twice as old. 

And that suggests that are theories about when humans first set foot into North America may be incorrect.

Walt Disney had dreams, plans, and ambitions.  He created a department called WED enterprises that brought together creative minds with can-do attitudes to build all manner of things.   He let their creativity run wild, and many of their innovations are on display in the theme parks (and a few beyond).

This group was rebranded as Imagineering at some point after Walt's death, but still had that spirit, that ability to create.

They went through ups and downs, and had a spell where their creativity was tempered by marketing looking at how they could profit off the ideas - other than simply using them in the themeparks.

Creativity was reportedly stifled, and there was some turnover in the group (and some left to go to other theme parks and entertainment businesses).

But now it would seem that things are turning back around and their creativity is a nice hybrid of cool tech coupled with some "possibility" of revenue generation.

Here's something fun... there's a theory that you can boost productivity by going to the movies during the work day. 

I found that it worked for me, so why not try it yourself... 

Latest video

This video contains some audio that Jack Wagner created for the Walt Disney world monorail. 

Episode 72: Jack Wagner monorail spiels 

One Little Spark … 

This is a story about a Girl Scout who opened a "Banned Book Lending Library" as a community service project.

It was a great thing, and the scouts gave her some recognition for it.

And then her school wanted to also give her some recognition as well....only the school wouldn't use the word "banned" in their honorarium, because they were true to their own stupidity, and banned the word so as to not call attention to how dumb they are.

And thus called more attention to it.
