Wednesday, August 7, 2024

This is actually pretty cool

Henry Fieldman made history by becoming the first Olympian to win medals in both men's and women's events.

He's a coxswain for Great Britain's rowing team, and has been in both men's and women's boats that have medaled.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Watch "Trump vs. Biden: Let's Compare the Facts" on YouTube


A convicted felon

I don't know why this literally just occurred to me, but trump is a convicted felon and therefore he has no ability to vote in elections, especially in Florida, given how they treat felons.

So he cannot vote in November! But of course he could serve if elected, which is absurd. He could even serve from prison, which is at least theoretically possible based on said conviction.

Why is he even still on the ballot? And why are people still supporting him?

On Trump and Egypt

This is a pretty good synopsis of what happened regarding $10,000,000 that appears to be have given to trump by the Egyptian government in cash … and the investigation was shut down by AG Bill Barr. 

As the reporter notes the statute of limitations has run out on "illegal campaign contributions" … but it hasn't run out on money laundering, or obstruction of justice on Barrs part. 

Just remember that the Donald is corrupt, and should be in federal prison, not unlike bob menendez. 

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Science for the win

Scientists used several different methods to prove that Vikings arrived in the Americas nearly 500 years before Columbus stumbled into the Caribbean … errr … "discovered the Americas"

Can we finally stop celebrating Columbus as some kind of hero and acknowledge how history actually happened?

The Vikings had small boats and even more rudimentary methods of navigation. And sailed from further than Spain. 

And that scientists can use rigor to determine when they arrived based on technology, rather than conjecture or mythology, is indeed exciting. 

He has the biggest sports package

And obviously he'll earn gold in the Paris nightclubs.