Friday, August 23, 2024

How is this right?

US based fast food outlets hire offshore people for well below minimum age to take your order. 

I mean I guess it doesn't matter…except that it's taking jobs away from Americans looking for work, and it feels like there are potential pitfalls along the way.  

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Trump's role in Jan. 6 at 2024 Democratic National Co...

One of the hallmarks of our system of government is the peaceful transition of power. 

A quick bit of history: George Washington served his two terms as president. Other leaders in our fledgling nation asked him to serve longer, but he declined. He didn’t want to be king; he had served, and knew it was time to step aside to allow someone else to take the reins. 

And so John Adams won the next election. The government officials were planning for the inauguration in Philadelphia. They suggested that when they left independence hall, Washington should go out first. But when they told Washington about it, he said no. He believed that his time was passed and he didn’t want to be the focal point. John Adams should be first, and Washington would follow behind. 

And thus began the peaceful transition of power that happened until 45 took office. He was rude and condescending to Obama. But worse, when he lost to Biden, he incited a riot because he wanted to be king. He would not acquiesce and still complains about “winning that election.” And he alone was responsible for the insurrection at the Capitol. 

And meanwhile…just look at Biden. He took the lesson from Washington, and decided that he had served the nation and it was time to step aside. I’m sure it wasn’t easy. But it was ultimately the right thing to do. He is letting the current peaceful transition of power to happen. 

Ticketmaster makes it easy to avoid events…

With their greed (price fixing, fees, and more fees), and now tracking everyone who uses their tickets it's really not worth going to see shows anymore.

Space is hard

Another space company (this one from Germany) is just getting into the business of space launches. 

Failure is always an option, and surely they will learn a lot and get there on a subsequent try!