Friday, September 6, 2024

Haters gonna hate, hate, hate....

....Shake it off. shake it off...

Taylor Swift may very well be the single most popular and influential person in society at present.

The hype machine was in full force late in the last NFL season as she started dating the Chief's Travis Kelce, and attending his games and the Superbowl.  It brought new fans to the sport, though not to the game itself.  Only to catch glimpses of her and speculation about what she would do.

The right went CRAZY about this because she generated more headlines than anything they could muster. There was a ridiculous notion that her relationship with Kelce was fake, and was used for the sole purpose of helping Biden's re-election somehow.

And then came this election cycle.  Her endorsement of a candidate has value due to her influence. In 2020, she simply tweeted a picture of her baking cookies endorsing Biden, and voter registrations surged and Swifties turned out to vote for him.

The orange menace tried to leverage this by first telling everyone that of course she would support his candidacy because he somehow helped her career and she owed him.   Then he used social media to post a fake picture of her endorsing him, and also had some pics of fake Swifties endorsing him.

She sued of course. And herself posted some things that real Swifties saw as endorsing Harris.

Swifties held a fundraiser for Harris that was (to quote the menace) huuuuuuuuge. And while she has not specifically endorsed Kamala, its clear where she stands...

Flash forward to the beginning of the football season. Someone posts a "leaked memo" that Swift is not allowed at Chiefs games this year.  It gets picked up by Fox News, and other conservative outlets, and they run with it.  Only, its a fake.

Then, there's buzz about a "dissolution agreement" between her and Kelce that likewise gets posted to social media.  Surely they are going to break up!  And by extension, the relationship was not real, and was just to help the democrats. And (as you probably guessed) it too, was a fake.

I suppose for both it was some effort to make her seem less genuine or besmirch her  and maybe to somehow make her endorsement for Kamala a little less impactful?

There are pictures of Swift in Kelce in public in various locations.  They sure put a lot of effort into faking it, with no return on that for them, didn't they? 

And naturally, there she was at the opening game for the Chiefs.

The whole thing is just silly.  But worth noting.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Disney wants wrongful death suit thrown out…

Because they signed up for Disney+ and bought tickets through the corporate website and therefore agreed to arbitration in the future.

What has this world come to?

Guy tries to get into Disney World with 1978 ticket…

This is one of the things that's fun about Disney. Almost always, they'll honor an unused park admission at whatever price you might have paid for it.

I have seen an exception here and there, but in those cases it's about the type of ticket, and they have given some fair market value for it, and you pay the (small) difference. So you're still coming out ahead in a way.

Club 33 and a Disney obsession

This is a bit of a peculiar story. TL;DR a couple had access to club 33 ("their happy place" revoked) for public intoxication. They sued to get back in, and lost.

El Presidente

Reading about Venezuela's Maduro and his assertion that Christmas will now be celebrated in October, I am distinctly reminded of this scene from Woody Allen's Bananas where the freedom leader immediately became a dictator...

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Cape Cod offers a harbinger of America’s economic future

This is a perspective on where we're headed from a wealth and housing point of view. 

It's long form, but worth the read. And it turns out this is happening in many places, including south Florida. 

Cape Cod offers a harbinger of America's economic future - The Atlantic

A lesson in customer service.