Tuesday, February 4, 2025

An open letter to my senators

I would like to remind you that your job is to represent your constituents, while supporting and defending the constitution. It is NOT to say simply "hand over the keys" to our democracy to the person in the Oval Office 

Our system of checks and balances was designed so that you actually hold that person to account, and don't simply let them run amok as an authoritarian. 

You are allowing Mr Trump to simply do as he pleases, taking legislation, foreign policy, taxation, eliminating government roles, and deciding unilaterally on funding into his own hands while you sit idly by and let it occur. 

And worse, you are allowing one of the worlds richest men - who I might remind you lied on his immigration paper work and therefore (by definition) is here illegally - to do as he pleases and heavily influence decisions that are being made in the office. 

So while it's bad enough you are just turn a blind eye to the president and his actions, it's worse that we are being essentially governed by a person who is not elected and should be held accountable in his own right. 

Do your job Senator. Remember that you were elected by the citizens of Florida to uphold the constitution, and you can't simply just let one person take over the entirety of government. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Disney's Star Wars Hotel to Become Offices

I mean it only cost a billion dollars and was - by all accounts - a total failure. 

So why not repurpose it into something that doesn't build on your brand at all?  Just make it an office complex and move on!

Remember, though, that it was an immersive experience that was supposed to feel like you were in space. So the building has no windows (and if you're thinking about the haunted mansion it has no windows and no doors!) 

But for the people working there they could sell it as "Every day I arrive for work and sit in a windowless office but can 'stare into space'… And then Darth maul comes by and asks if my work is done."

Or maybe this could be Disneys next marketing idea. You pay *them* to work there for a day or a week or a month and you can enjoy the perks of being in this office!

Another competitor in space travel

Introducing sierra, with its space plane. It looks kinda like the space shuttle, but with different wing surfaces. 

The objective is to be able to ferry people and cargo to the ISS in a slightly different, reusable format. 

Here's to another level of innovation! 


Sample from the asteroid reveals something interesting

Building Blocks Of Life Found On Asteroid Bennu

While it doesn't mean that there's life elsewhere in the universe, finding building blocks for life is intriguing and suggests that we have a lot more to learn about life and how it exists. 

This is kind of a cool discovery, and hopefully will get us to do more study about our universe. 

Proving once again that no one has a clue

Of course no one can define woke, but Megyn Kelly seems to have trouble identifying things that would be in the general woke space. 

Glad Melissa Gilbert set her straight… though I'm sure Kelly will ignore the comment because it's all about an agenda and eschews reality. 


Thursday, January 30, 2025

DEI in the news

The term "woke" was so 2024.  Now we're on to talking about "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" with the same derision.  

One of the early actions T-rump took was to talk about how DEI programs need to stop, because they are... something.  I don't know what, its just word soup (like woke was before it).

Many companies decided to just go along with it, and just dropped their initiatives.  Which shows that these companies and their leadership never took the programs seriously, it was just done for appearances.  I mean, if you just flow with the politics that quickly, and move on to curry favor with "dear leader," then we have to assume you never expected anything from it anyway.

Then we had the plane crash in DC, which caused T-rump to blame DEI for it! Which is both a not-so-subtle way of saying that he wants white men in charge, and also would suggest he's trying to pull a magicians trick, and shift focus away from something else by getting people lathered up about DEI. 

Oh but it doesn't end there.  Costco said they planned to continue their program, and would wait for shareholders to weigh in on how it should evolve.  Which led to 19 attroneys general (need I mention that they're all from GOP-led states?) to band together  and send a letter to Costco telling them that T-rumps executive order made clear they needed to do away with the program, and they will pursue legal action if Costco doesn't listen.

Bad enough that they're bullying a private company for its own hiring practices that conform with the law.  But worse was this line in said letter: "Costco should not have policies that discriminate in hiring based on race or gender," 

Which I read as "you need to hire more straight, white men."