There's a thing trending on the socials called FAFO - essentially "F*ck Around and Find Out" which presents stories of buyers remorse in a way, as it relates to voting for T-rump in 2024.
You have stories about the people who were happy to get the "bad illegals" deported, until it was someone they knew and cared about who got deported. You have the people who are complaining prices are going up in spite of him saying he'd bring them down (and hearing dear leader say "your prices may go up" in recent days exacerbates this). People who see this tariff thing hitting them in the wallet, even before it takes full effect because of the perhaps unintended consequences of reduced travel by people from other countries coming here and spending money. There was a woman lamenting a change in the child tax credit on taxes *from her* to her ex-husband because he pays child support.
And then there's the USAID money. Its terrible that we won't be working to help with diseases in other places (which undoubtedly will lead to those diseases spreading farther and wider than they might otherwise). And there's a kind of carrot and stick effect with other countries. Offering them aid is a carrot for them to, say, stem the tide of illegal immigration. As opposed to the stick of "do as we say or else"... but the more immediate problem is the threat to smaller farms. Some amount of what they produce is bought by the US Government and used in subsidy programs and to ship overseas as part of a broader trade arrangement under USAID.
These small farms that were all in on the guy now see that the US isn't - and won't be - buying their goods anymore. Which means they have a limited marketplace and it will drive them out of business. Couple that with silly rules about how SNAP funds may be used (no sugary drinks!) and that means a reduction in corn production that's used in processing corn syrup.
And on and on. Plus many more to come I am quite sure
Reading and seeing these is both amusing and sad. But it is the consequence that comes with the decision to vote for him. And no matter how much we warned them, here we are.