Friday, May 26, 2017

Since @marcorubio won't hold a town hall, here's a message for him


As a Floridian, I can not understand why you won't hold a town hall. We have a lot of concerns, and you won't hear us. Yes, the conversations would be difficult, and there would likely be some hot topics. But please understand that we are passionate about some issues and feel like you are only it for yourself and your wealthy donors, and not for us and not representing us,

Realizing that, I wanted to share a few topics and my thoughts on them.
1. Russia. The evidence shows that their was a hack of sorts and influence by Russian agents in our election. Our democracy was subverted. Where is your senate panel on this? You haven't advance much over the last few weeks. We need to see the investigation continue!

2. Trump. You said, effectively, get over it and help the man have success. No. No. And no again. The man is a petulant child, who is making money as president because he is president. He has hired family to work for him. He has obstructed justice, at least in a way that should garner more outrage. He continues to embarasss us with our allies. He has passed classified information to others. He had Russians in the White House as guests. And on and on. He must not go unchecked. You must do your job and keep the balance of power.

3. The budget. What he has proposed is insane. Effectively he proposes guts from every social program and pays for his stupid wall, and his golf outings. I realize congress passes the budget, but you can't just stand idly by and pretend like this is okay. Social programs are one of the things your state, and particular, your community relies on. You can't just leave us in the (I would say cold, but it's Florida so I'll say) heat.

4. Big corporations, finance, and Wall Street. Letting big corporations, and particularly banks, run amok will harm us. The sensible regulations that were put in place in 2008 should protect us against another financial crisis like in 2008. We can't just deregulate and expect companies to do the right thing. There were surely be run away inflation, rising consumer prices, and likely higher unemployment as companies look to maximize their profit. Floridians are as vulnerable as anyone - and because we are a tourist economy, we rely on others spending money to come here. If they don't have disposable income, we all lose.

5. Immigration and visas. Similar to my point on a tourist economy, we need people visiting from other places to invigorate our economy and keep hotel rooms full. We can't just keep casting people out and calling them bad hombres. We can't just deport people Willy nilly. What are your thoughts on the person who came over in the Mariel boat lift in 1980 who was a legal resident, but is now awaiting a deportation proceeding to Cuba. I realize it's complicated, but it illustrates a problem: after 40 years here, he's being sent to a country he doesn't know. How can you let things like that slide?

6. And finally, healthcare. We need universal care. We need to know we are always covered. It shouldn't come down to whether we can afford private care. This is a right that all first world nations offer. We should too. It shouldn't be that your state will have a high level of uninsured and have to try and get sub-par care, rely on public hospitals if that's even possible, or simply die. No. we can and should do better. Medicare should be available for seniors and others who built this country. Medicaid needs to be there for the vulnerable among us. It shouldn't be left to the states to decide how to administer healthcare. That's ridiculous and will never work. Stand up for us, and fight for what's right!

We're Floridians and we need you to stand up for us.

Thank you.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Sage words from Lincoln

For the 1963 worlds fair, Walt Disney created a show about Abraham Lincoln.  I detail the show in a podcast that I created last year.

Basically, James Algar wove together real quotes from Lincoln to be brought to life.  There's one particular quote that should resonate today, with the state of politics such as it is, and talk of ties to russia. It's at about the 11 minute mark in the video:

"At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some trans-Atlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of EuropeAsia, and Africa combined could not, by force, take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what point, then, is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, [that] if it ever reach us, it must spring [from] amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we [ourselves must] be [the] author[s] and finisher[s]. As a nation of free men, we must live through all time[s], or die by suicide."

Monday, May 22, 2017

#hackedvote #illegitimate

Still more info lost BEFORE the election!

I take back anything I might have said suggesting the election "might have been" hacked. It probably, and most certainly was, hacked!

There's only one thing to do: kick the administration out, and hold a new election. 

Sent from my iPad

#hackedvote #illegitimate Wisconsin Recount: The Alex Halderman Affidavit on Russian Hacking

Need more corroborating evidence that the machines themselves may have been hacked? Here's an interesting nugget that got lost in November.

The salient point is in the graphic.

#HackedVoting #illegitimate #unhackthevote strange things are afoot

I have been saying for a while that there is (or perhaps was) the possibility that the voting machines, the very system we use to vote could have been hacked.  

I don't know much about this site, but I did see two articles from last august that suggest that not only was it possible, they saw evidence of it, and warned us.

It lends credibility to the theory that something was actually wrong with the vote totals. 

These guys have been tracking much of this...

Holy cheep chit. 

Sent from my iPad

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Let's not forget - election edition

What's happening *is* about el Donaldo and his potential crimes - obstructing justice, violating the emoluments clause, hiring people that are unfit (like his daughter and son in law), handing over classified documents, etc.

But it's about much more. We still have the collusion with Russia item to deal with. And the very real prospect that Russia actively interfered with our election. And here's where things could get really tricky and very interesting.

Mitch McConnell (the turtle) has gone on record to say that he's not in favor of any looking into trump because it will interfere wit the senates legislative agenda. Yet that didn't stop him from shutting it all down when the last guy was there. He was more than happy to not do anything and pout because he couldn't have his way.

And then I saw he made a curious comment about this maybe leading to a special election. I can't find a link to that, but assuming it was, in fact him who said it, why make such a curious comment? Unless you think there's a chance the administration will be impeached.

Eddie Munster (Ryan) is an odd case. He just jumped into trumps pocket and is a yes man. I'm supposing it's because the report of trump donating heavily to Ryan's campaign makes them connected. And of course, Ryan is a tool that looks at his agenda and sees an opportunity to get what he wants in exchange for whatever the orange man wants. Because it's politically expedient to make a deal with the devil to push through what you want, and couldn't have for a few years under the last guy.

And here's one more nugget: don't forget that GOP leadership - specifically McConnell and Ryan - were given a classified briefing by the CIA, FBI and others last year about the potential links between trump and Russia. And they decided not to act on it, saying they'd claim it was partisan to get Hillary elected if it came out.

At that moment, they effectively implicated themselves, or perhaps opened themselves up to an ethics charge, or maybe an obstruction charge. That remains to be seen, but they did take a risk to get the outcome they wanted. And surely there could be consequences for them if the administration were brought down. So it is - regardless of what they do now - in their best interest to slow this moving train down if they can, lest they get hit too.

Now as for trump, clearly there's some nefarious business going on. Yes, you can argue he's a businessman, but it's amazing how many times russia comes up, and how his business ties are all just this side of sketchy. You get a lot of "yeah it's not illegal, but..."
How do any of us know whether he's a good or bad business man? He filed for bankruptcy protection several times in his career. I don't know of many (supposed) billionaires who have done that once, let alone more than once. It's just strange.

So let's suppose Russia is backing him in some way, or that Putin was involved in the election. Even if it's as simple as Russians trying to target voters to manipulate the outcome with alternate facts, shouldn't that be enough to undermine the credibility, the integrity of the election? Suppose I told you that Hillary won under that circumstance, or worse Obama. Wouldn't trumps base be indignant?

And what if it was worse the propaganda? Wouldn't you really wonder?

Even if it was the influence scenario, that would mean the whole election was flawed, and it wouldn't be a "simple" matter of removing trump, because he and pence one as a ticket. And it would mean that pence should also be subject to removal.

Plus, of course, pence appears to be complicit in much of this. He knew about Flynn. He knew about Russia. So if charges were to brought against trump for impeachment on some of the other charges, he would be culpable too.

And that brings us back to Ryan. He's third in line of succession. If he interfered or was involved, he would be unable to serve.

And next in succession is the president of the senate pro tempore, one Orrin Hatch. He's from Utah, is 83 years old, and has been serving in the senate for 40 years. He did run for president once, back in 2000.

If he were to choose not to serve, then we run through secretaries that trump appointed. Some of them worked on his campaign, or had ties to it, so you have to wonder if they would be eligible if the administration were removed.

And in the need, there would probably be a call for a special election so the person serving in that place would have limited time to do much, and would be regarded by both houses as a stop-gap. Maybe they get some of what they want, but you still have to deal with the reality that you can't just blame them for everything since they just assumed the post.