Sunday, October 27, 2024

Stephen Miller can suck it.

Are these the kids you grew up with? Are these the neighbors you were raised with?

He says as he points to photos of some immigrants of Hispanic origin. 

Why yes. Yes they are. So fuck you. 

How times have changed…

This may or may not be true, but it does feel about right. 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Flying cheese!

This is both amusing and almost was a disaster. But it should serve as a lesson in aerodynamics. 

Even a humble slice of delicious Gruyère cheese can throw off the balance on a rocket.

But the students took it in stride and learned something. Near failure is an option!

WAPO declines to endorse a candidate

… in spite of it being clear who they planned to endorse. I mean duh. 

Jeff Bezos bought the Washington post some years ago, and has mostly left it alone. In a general sense, his politics have been fairly neutral and he maybe even leaned a little more liberal for whatever that may be worth. 

But then comes a consequential election and he decides that the post should take sides. They shouldn't endorse a candidate. 

And why? One might assume it's about those clicks (and associated revenue). By not endorsing a candidate, his paper can be the controversy. Supporters of both candidates would talk about it and read articles and he would remain successful. 

Only the math didn't work. 

The tagline of the paper is "democracy dies in darkness" and here he was, in a way, thwarting that very democracy. 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Eric Swalwell for the win

Great video. 

Wait. Tua wants to play again this week?

People may say Tua is "good at football," but I've watched a lot of football in my life and I would argue he's middling at best. With players around him that essentially pad his stats, I can see how someone might get duped into thinking he's better than he is. 

In any case, 5 diagnosed concussions that we know of, two that were severe (the last one just 5 weeks ago), and he's ready to take the field again!

He says to people that they should just stop talking about it - it's his choice, and he's a competitor, and don't worry about him. And he doesn't want to wear a concussion helmet because he wants to play sportsball the way he always did. 

But what of the franchise that plays him? The coaches. The medical staff. Even the owner. Don't they bear some responsibility in all of this? "It's up to him. If the doctors clear him he'll play! He gives us our best chance to win!"

By the way, the dolphins are 2-4. They have a long road ahead to be successful and make the playoffs. Statistically it's a long shot, and if we're being honest the dolphins were bad with him playing, worse without him. The teams they have to catch are actually good. So they won't catch them even if he somehow does play well. 

Best chance to win, then, is laughable. 

And what of the nfl that talks tough about player safety? I guess that's window dressing. Hey he was evaluated and he's just fine!

The players union? They don't get involved in things like this because it undercuts their ability to negotiate for a large piece of the pie for the players. 

And meanwhile, here's another story about a player leaving the game due to concussions, and they mention Tua:

But I guess the fact that Tua is a Trump supporter explains a lot. Brain damage is a fact of life in the cult. 

And the owner of the dolphins is also one, so if we consider how people are (mis)treated, then it makes sense. Just put him out there because it makes him money! His contract is guaranteed. He's not paying him for nothing!

This is a stupid, stupid situation in which there can be no winners. Only losers, including the fans that root for this team. 

That sounds about right.