Saturday, October 6, 2018

#MakeAmericaSmartAgain Business Insider: A supervolcano that could destroy humanity is ready to erupt — and NASA is trying to figure out how to contain it

While we sit here and endlessly debate whether the guy is fit to be a justice on the Supreme Court (he's not, how hard was that?), there are actual things happening which could have a more devastating impact on humanity - and which get little coverage. 

Here's one that is dire for humanity. But scientists aim to prevent it and want to harness its energy. How's that for American ingenuity? Why doesn't this get coverage?

A supervolcano that could destroy humanity is ready to erupt — and NASA is trying to figure out how to contain it
Business Insider

Below Yellowstone National Park, there's a huge magma reservoir that has the potential to destroy humanity. Yellowstone erupts roughly every 600,000 years, and it's about 600,000 years since it last exploded. An eruption at Yellowstone National Park could lead to the end of human civilisation. However, NASA has a plan that could prevent such an explosion and could also create a geothermal plant to generate electricity. What images go through your mind when you think of the end of the world? Read the full story

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