I just read the article linked below. In summary, there's a bullshitty fringe group that is taking on established science.
Why would they do this? Given the theme of the article, I would argue its about money (and power). The head "mismanaged" the money and now they're having to lay people off.
And the major oil companies stopped funding this junk science. So there's not as much money coming in (because, you know, they figured out climate change is real and they're contributing to it).
They note that one of the climate change denier scientists they wanted to use is a whackadoodle pedaphile.
But one of the most amusing points made is that they brought in a 19 year old to be the antithesis of Greta Thunberg - you know the student activist who is bringing attention to global climate change?
Yeah, heartland *hired* her to be the voice of anti-science. And she turned out to have ties to a neo Nazi group.
Because that's apparently how this works these days. Don't vet anyone, just put people out there to represent your cause.
So they actively try and discredit science to promote an agenda that's profitable. Delightful.
So as a note to the wise reader, be careful with information you hear. There is no "other side" to science. Sure there can be (educated) guesses (and lots of debate) as to what caused it and how to combat it. But don't doubt the core science.
People are constantly lying to get your money - or money that could be otherwise spent to help you and secure your future. Don't let them get away with it.