Sunday, December 22, 2024

Reporting events appears to be hard

I'm still look for a news outlet - or some means of consuming real information - that I can respect and use for some form of reasonable reporting. 

The problem is that most news outlets have a bias of some sort and make everything confusing. 

As an example, I'll take the Amazon worker strike. There was a developing situation where a driver parked his delivery van apparently near a distribution center, in a way that left vehicles unable to exit the facility. And police were called. 

That much is pretty much agreed upon. 

But I saw a few reports on it, and they had differing accounts. One showed a picture of the police locking arms around the van and the headline and story were about how they were siding with the union in protecting the driver or some such. 

Another article talked about the driver being a nuisance and getting arrested after putting up a fight, with no mention of the picture of the officers locking arms. 

And on and on.  But with no regard to why or what was actually going on. 

After reading through several articles, I was able to (myself) piece together something resembling a story: the driver wanted to make a point and blocked the exit. Police were called and they arrested the driver. Without incident. Some people (unclear where they stood on the issue) swarmed the van, and the police locked arms to protect the vehicle, the entrance, and any workers from harm. 

Its tough when reporting is that bad. 

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