Saturday, May 13, 2017

Voter suppression

Does anyone else see this?  El donaldo is selling the fact that he won really hard.  He's got a map he put up somewhere in the whitehouse, and he has copies he hands out at time.  Weird enough, but there's a purpose here.  And it was more or less revealed when he announced his intent to get to the bottom of how Hillary won the popular vote by so much.

Clearly, there's a game being played.  And it seems to me that the intent will be to find whatever he can, and the only answer they can possibly come up with will be to suppress the vote.  And if that's the case, it's all over. Who needs gerrymandering when you can simply stop some peop,e from voting?

We must stop this. 

Thursday, May 11, 2017

#MakeAmericaSmartAgain Read about Benedict Arnold

In the revolutionary war, Arnold "turned coat" against the Americans, and essentially joined the British, thus being called a traitor to his country. 

But the story isn't quite as simple as that, and is worth a read.  He did attempt to aid the British by turning over West Point, where he held the head post, and then snuck out of New York.  He ultimately made his way onto a British ship and sailed to England where he lived out the remainder of his life. 

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

#ThisIsNotADrill our democracy is at stake #TimeForAction #CallYourRep #IndependentInvestigation

Trump firing Comey is a direct assault on democracy.

Maybe he (el donaldo) did something wrong and has something to hide. Or maybe not.  But his firing of Comey as the head of the FBI looks like it's intended to stop any investigation into his dealings.  The problem is that if it's stands unchecked, then we are potentially allowing authoritarianism to rise.

The checks and balances are there for this reason, to not allow him to go completely unchecked. Look, even if you're deluded enough to think he's great, I would argue that simply an investigation into the firing and handling of Comey should warrant a second look. Like I said, maybe he did nothing wrong.  But we have to know that before it's too late.

Comey told us there was an active investigation looking at the ties between trump and Russia. And then Comey got fired. Trump must not be allowed to simply stifle anyone who dares oppose him. And his spokespeople must be held accountable for saying it's time to move on from Russia just because Comeywad fired.

Call your senators and congressman/woman
Send them a fax.
Tweet them.
Email them.

Do whatever it takes

Here's an easy way to fax them.

Here's how to find your congressperson

And your senator

We need an independent investigation into the dealings of trump.  We the people demand answers. We need to know that there are no ties to Russia, no influence, and the whole mess that started on November 8th (we'll really before that) is simply due to the will of the people, and not because of some shady business. And that it does not continue to be some shady shnizzle. 

Do something. Act now.

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Sunday, May 7, 2017

12 Angry Men (and their majority leader)

The senate has rejected the congressional bill to repeal Obamacare. But now these 13 in-duh-viduals (many of whom are asshats) will decide the future of healthcare in this country.

It's funny because its sad. No wait, it's funny because during th Cold War a term was coined called "first world nations" which basically meant any countries that aligned with the US in policy and basic well being (and capitalism), and opposed the Soviet Union.

Over the years it's been re-defined as wealthy nations, or those that provide for their people.

And here's the funny part: we are the ONLY first world nation that does not provide universal healthcare. We've fallen so behind, and become so petty that we have decided that wealth and the ultra elite are all that matters. Screw everyone else. Which essentially means we are becoming a third world nation. Because we don't ally with the principles and values that created the term first world.

And given that 3rd world nations are often considered the ones that don't provide for their people, we're there.

It's absolutely unbelievable to me that 13 white men are going to decide the future of healthcare for 300 million, and move us further away from great.


I don't know how, when, or why (well, maybe I do know why-money!) all of these people fell into el donaldo's con game, and decided it would be in their best financial interest to turn their backs on the people they were elected to represent.


Oh look, and they are all white. And all men.*

(* women are considered on a case-by-case basis)