Friday, April 3, 2020

Oh the irony.

"Senator" Ron Johnson believes they economy should re-open because this is no worse than the flu. And besides, he says, "death is an unavoidable part of life"

And this appears on his official government website. Tone deaf? Or just following orders from Republican Jesus (TM)?

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Let this sink in.

"Roughly 280 million masks in warehouses around the U.S. were purchased by foreign buyers on Monday alone, according to Forbes. A FEMA spokesperson said the agency 'has not actively encouraged or discouraged U.S. companies from exporting overseas'."

And now mike pence says he'll stop. Because he got caught I suppose.

Do you see it yet? Trump does not care about you. It's all about him. He's inept and should be removed from office immediately.

MLB season likely to start without fans in quest for most games

I saw this and thought "hey, every team is going to emulate what the marlins have been doing for two decades!"

How to not compose an email.

Way to go Moes!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

My thoughts on the confusion that comes from those in power

You may not want to hear it, but make no mistake: this is a Trump problem. He is bumbling his way through this crisis, with no thought or regard to the spread of the virus, nor the deaths that result.

He's sent many conflicting messages, most of which focus on the stock market, the success of the wealthy, and his own re-election.  He didn't take it seriously until it was too late (to wit, he called it a "hoax" and was dismissive of it early on), and claims he is in no way responsible for... anything.  Yet, he was the one who neutered most science organizations and research, and dismantled the office established specifically to combat a pandemic.

And then there's Desantis, Florida's governor, who can't get out of his own way. He waited far too long to close beaches (and never did!) and declare a state of emergency.  And currently is acting as indecisive as you can imagine, making contradictory statements - sometimes on the same day.  I see two issues here: he's trying his best to protect Florida's tourism at the expense of the long term health of it, and he wants to appease the Trump (one would assume that this is because Trump has made clear he wants people to laud him or he will withhold aid, though of course it could be that he’s a fanboy and wants to appease the nincompotus).

This is a time for action, and for solid leadership. They are failing us on all counts.

Monday, March 30, 2020

More on the turds in office.

The party of no, the one that is so pro life, the one that promotes gun violence as a solution for everything, the one that can't really be bothered to try and help Americans dying from this virus, is at it again.

There's a cruise ship that was off the coast of Chile. Cases of the virus were reported on board among passengers and crew. Chile denied them access to the port.

They anchored while looking for another port. More cases. Some deaths.

They finally got port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale to agree to let the ship dock, subject to a number of rules, and that the owner of the line would pay for any expenses.

People in the area objected, but they pressed ahead.

Then the Panama Canal Zone said no. Can't pass through. More days pass. More people get sick.

Finally Panama agreed to allow the ship to pass "for humanitarian reasons" and it either has gone through, or will soon.

In any case, the city and port started putting up new rules for the ship to dock.

And then the governor. A trump loving republican. Decided the ship can't come to Florida because we can't have other people coming here.

Some are Americans. Some are sick. Regardless, there are dead and dying on board.

And the party of pro life says "nah. We don't want you here. Good luck"

Again. Why does anyone believe a single word they espouse?

Though I'm sure Republican Jesus (TM) would probably approve.

Remind me again why anyone votes for these turds?

During the debate over the stimulus bill, Dems introduced a provision to allow for vote-by-mail, so people don't have to risk coronavirus exposure to exercise their right to vote.

Many of the Rs objected, but none more than the dotard.  He called into his favorite talk show (you know cause he's not busy doing anything important) and was setup with a question  about "special interest projects" added to coronavirus relief bills.

"The things they had in there were crazy. They had levels of voting that if you ever agreed to it you'd never have a Republican elected in this country again."

Yep. Voting would oust republicans. That's what he said. 

But he's not alone. Rep. Thomas Massie tweeted that "Universal vote by mail would be the end of our republic as we know it." Ah yes the old dog whistle about anyone other than rich white people voting.  

And in related news, last year House Democrats introduced a bill making Election Day a holiday for federal workers and "providing election administration assistance." 

You probably remember that Moscow Mitch poopooed it as a "power grab" by Democrats. 

Nah. You can't have people voting. That's bad.  

Short. Sweet. To the point. That's the beauty Dave's iPhone.