Friday, October 16, 2020

About science

I saw it several of the comments on Nyes video, and I've heard it before, "he's not a scientist"

Which always make me bristle. Anyone who studies science is, by definition, a scientist.

And what is the definition of science? The systematic study of the world.

And a scientist is someone who studies the natural world or has training in the sciences (of which engineering is one of these sciences)

And how does one do this? Why using a systematic approach with a little thing called the scientific method.

Failing to grasp these basic principles illustrates the problems we face. People are uneducated and don't care. They dismiss science rather than accept truths.

You want to debate the causes of climate change? Go right ahead. But when the evidence suggests there are changes in climate - more (and more destructive) storms, patterns that are outside of the norms for when winter starts, ocean temperature rise, so changes to ice sheets - those are things that are demonstrably happening. And we can and should study them and understand the consequences and act accordingly.

Put aside your conspiracies or thoughts of some kind of deep state. And act in our own best interests, as humans who exist on this planet.

Of course, that's just one example. There are more things like that to consider.

Go out. Observe. Take notes. Learn. Grow. Maybe try a simple experiment yourself just to see how easy it is to study something and draw a conclusion.

21st century Flat-Earthers? 'What?' Bill Nye talks science and exploration

I realized a few days ago that while I have an intense dislike (perhaps hate) for trump and people who support him, back him, and otherwise enable him, my biggest problem is that he is distinctly anti-science.

You can say whatever you want about his policies and attitudes about a variety of subjects, but at its core is the fundamental problem that basic facts, the observable universe, doesn’t matter. At the core of it all is this sort of weirdness where he saying “what are you going to believe - your own eyes, or what I’m telling you?”

Science is the one truth, and if we can’t support that, then we really have nothing. Flat earth, really? Anti vaccine? Anti science? If that continues to build, then we really are doomed as a society, perhaps as humans.

So like I say “stop the insanity!”  Don’t dismiss science and fall into the stupid trap.

And by the way, he points out that Article I, section 8, clause 8 of the constitution reads:

  • To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

    I would agree that this is one of the bigger problems as it relates to people being anti science. They are so aligned with Murica and our constitution... but only when it fits the narrative. Being anti-science is unAmerican!

    Monday, October 12, 2020

    Regeneron CEO: Trump ‘is a case of one’ and ‘weakest evidence’ for Covid-19 treatment

    "The president's case is a case of one, and that's what we call a case report, and it is evidence of what's happening, but it's kind of the weakest evidence that you can get," Schleifer said.

    Short. Sweet. To the point. That's the beauty Dave's iPhone. 

    Saturday, October 10, 2020


    Orange on the outside.
    Hollow on the inside.
    Must be thrown out in November.

    Thursday, October 8, 2020

    Covid drug given to Trump developed using cells derived from aborted fetus | Coronavirus outbreak | The Guardian

    This is the kind of shit that makes me laugh aloud.

    "Abortion is bad! We have to ban fetal tissue use!"

    It's used to literally save his life and...everyone is happy?!

    And then he says everyone should access to this treatment.


    Dumbassery is alive and well!

    Tuesday, September 29, 2020

    Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters - The Atlantic

    I've long suspected that this was part of the con. On the one hand it was genius to get the evangelicals on your side. On the other it was utter nonsense. In exchange for money, promoting their brand, and leaving them alone, he got an endorsement.

    But didn't give two shits about them or their religious beliefs. This was a play to get some people to promote him and call him the messiah.

    So when he said his favorite part of the Bible was "all of it," what he meant was "don't know, don't care, but just support me"

    Congrats people of faith who blindly support him and forgive his un-Christian characteristics. You were duped, in much the same way your religious leaders dupe you.