Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Bitchin' Dave's Newsletter - July 18


July 18, 2023

Insights, news, ramblings, and other serious nonsense from Dave 
Dave’s Musings
In an interesting twist, the GOP is pivoting from outright climate change denial, to something more nuanced. But don't be fooled. It still doesn't address the underlying causes related to climate change, and has many gifts to corporations that are at the forefront of climate change.

The currently stated goals are:
  1. to have more US oil and gas production because "its cleaner than foreign sources" and would "lower energy costs" (which are dubious statements), but does nothing for the environment nor does it actually reduce consumption
  2. to plant "a trillion trees" which sounds noble, but that number would cover the entire US; the threat of wildfires goes up (possibly exacerbating the climate situation); and these trees would be made available to the logging industry.
  3. to allow for mining of materials used in electronics, and electric vehicles. The questions are where and how? This would have to be carefully managed.
Which means we still have a long way to go. But I will accept the baby steps, and hold out hope that maybe someday soon, we could find some middle ground, and actually go further than this.
Quick correction: last week, I noted the resumption of my podcast, but I mistakenly provided a link to the LAist, which I wanted to share this week. The correct link for my podcast (Just What Do You Think You're Doing Dave?) is this: https://anchor.fm/david473

I've been listening to a podcast series from the LAist called "Blood, Sweat, & Rockets" which is a look back at the early pioneers in rocketry.

Its an intriguing look at the men (and even a few unheralded women) who helped push us into the rocket age through experimentation, bravado, and a lot of luck.

And it deals with their personal lives - some of which is decidedly controversial.

I highly recommend giving it a listen.

Blood, Sweat, and Rockets on Pocket Casts

Tesla is in the process of acquiring a small company called Wiferion.

Wiferion's niche in the market is that they have developed a method to provide wireless charging to batteries.

They do this using inductive charging; in broad terms, they create a magnetic field that is converted into electricity that charges the battery.

This could be a "game changer" where you park your car over a mat and it charges without having to plug in.

In the words of Rebecca Tinucci (director of charging at Tesla) this would "do cool s**t"

An analyst for Needham (an investment banking firm) by the name of Laura Martin posited that Disney will be acquired by Apple over the next few years.

This is a rumor we've heard bandied about pretty much since Bob Iger retired, and became more prominent when he came back. But her suggestion that it *will* happen is something new.

She cites Disney's park attendance woes, their recent box office flops, trouble with streaming numbers, and sports cuts among the possible reasons for such a move.

I have my doubts, but its an interesting thought. We'll see if anything comes of this.

There's a story (sadly, behind a paywall) at Fortune magazine about Motorola.

In the TL;DR sense, they dominated the market for two way radios. And then, they pioneered a cellphone that piggybacked off of it so you could use the radio network, instead of cell minutes, to communicate.

But in the new world we live in, they found a way to repackage and brand themselves as a provider of safety: a way for police and firefighters to communicate in a more modern way than 2-way radios.

Their success in this area again allows them to dominate.

Motorola's turnaround

One Little Spark … 

… for your imagination

Henry Rollins, who you may know as a Punk Rock icon, and member of the band Black Flag, defies what you may know about the Punk genre.  He currently is on tour talking about his experiences, his personal history, and about societal issues. (more on the tour at henryrollins.com)

A while ago, he gave a (longwinded) talk about gay marriage, which I found recently and thought was worth sharing.  Indeed, why does anyone oppose the idea?

Dave’s latest video

On this episode, I talk about how car companies are sending diagnostic information back to the car company - rather than leaving it in the car itself. This has led to new "Right to Repair" laws being created.


To subscribe, unsubscribe, contact > geezergamer92@gmail.com

Friday, July 14, 2023

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Bitchin' Dave's Newsletter July 11


July 11, 2023

Insights, news, ramblings, and other serious nonsense from Dave 
Dave’s Musings
Lots going on, so its been a some time between newsletters. My plan is to produce something weekly, but there may be some gaps here and there.

Anyway, here are some hot topics that have come up recently:
  • The Supreme Court finds itself at the center of controversy based on recent rulings, ethics questions, and what might be called "judicial activism"
  • The Tour de France started! For some reason, I find this to be one of the more intriguing events each year, and I pretty much have it on in the background every day during its month
On a related note, I am getting back into podcasting, to talk about topics of interest on a decidedly (for now) irregular schedule. I'm picking up with the "Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?" and recently shared my thoughts about the court, and last year talked about the Tour. Feel free to check it out:


There have been some recent articles about Voyager 1 & Voyager 2, which launched a few weeks apart (amusingly 2 launched first), in 1977.

No one anticipated they'd last for more than 40 years, and continue to transmit data. But they still do!

We've learned more about interstellar space and the universe than we could have ever imagined. And we still do.

You can read more about the missions here: https://www.space.com/17688-voyager-1.html

Nature always continues to astound. There were two scientific discoveries recently, that caught my attention.

The first was that an entirely new species was discovered: Miami Herald: New Species

The second was that scientists discovered a new material that they had never seen before:

Science Alert: new material

I find these to be amazing discoveries!

Over in Disney World, we see a number of reports of "thinner crowds during the summer."

And no one has a logical or rational explanation for it - there's a lot of speculation and innuendo about it.

The first question is whether this report is accurate. It seems like even some of the unbiased reports may be a little biased. And the second is, assuming it is true, what it means.

Set aside the stupid rhetoric and realize that

  1. Disney has made good on its promise of spreading crowds throughout the year,
  2. the price point is fairly high (and even the CEO admits it) which will keep some people away, and
  3. in a general sense, people have money saved up post-pandemic and want to travel. It's possible that Disney is not at the top of their list today.

There's a really cool visualization of working hours by country over here:

Visual Capitalist Working Hours

I love how they use graphics and a line graph to represent the data in a simple and easy-to-follow way.

One Little Spark … 

… for your imagination

Climate change is real, and a concern to us all.  I see no real harm in taking action.  I mean, heck, the budget for the US military was $877 billion (more than the next 10 countries COMBINED!).  Why not take a portion of that, say 5% and put it toward research and action?  

5% isn't much of that total, but is still $9 billion dollars. That would go a long way toward helping, and would maybe be a better use of our resources that continually spending on war, prevention of war, or weapons of war.

There are those who say climate change isn't real, or isn't important.  Here are some  cogent answers to some of these items.

Dave’s latest video

I've recently taken up hydroponics as a way to garden. I made a video about my getting started:


To subscribe, unsubscribe, contact > geezergamer92@gmail.com

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Ron DeSantis Says the Left Doesn’t ‘Want People to Be Happy,’ Then Awkwardly Eats Pizza (Video)

This is what I've been saying, and now (mo)Ron is telling us it's accurate. I think, maybe, he said the quiet part out loud.

Some of those in authority do not want you to be happy. Full stop.

Apparently the interview is weird all the way around. "THEY want to control you…but that's MY job" says the fascist dictator of Florida.

And watching him eat pizza might be funny. If it weren't so absurd.


Monday, July 3, 2023

Listen to my latest podcast episode

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: The Supreme Court. https://anchor.fm/david473/episodes/The-Supreme-Court-e26g52r

Short. Sweet. To the point. That's the beauty Dave's iPhone.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Big changes in life are emotionally exhausting

They say that's the case. And sure I've been through others and they were. But losing my job as I inch closer to retirement really has been exhausting.

Possibly, I could have changed jobs at some point here in the next few years, or maybe could have retired a little earlier than expected. And I have no doubt those would have taken more or less the same emotional toll.

3 decades of doing something consistently, and it ends. You have to adapt. We as humans like that consistency. It's hard for us.

Even if for some reason I went back to the company I used to work for, it would be different. Sure the trappings might be familiar, but I would feel different.

Anywho, I had a weird ass dream last night. Someone at my old company texted / called me to offer a job. I was conflicted about it, but was going to take it.

And then I woke up, and I was very disoriented. After a few minutes, I started to understand what was bothering me about the situation the other day.

While the old team moving into a department I wanted to go to was jarring, it was the conversation I had with old work friends that got to me.

I told one friend I had no real intention of going back, but for a good opportunity I might consider it. And in my head I was thinking that someone would have to reach out and want ME for it to be a real consideration.

What I came to realize was that in all the time I was looking - both before and after my notification - no one actually helped in any way.

Some people listened, made what seemed like good suggestions (that were dead ends), and even helped with my resume. But there were no solid offers of jobs, even for things I applied and interviewed for. A side note: the company is VERY slow to hire - even internally - so it's hard not to take it a little personally.

I might be inclined to make an exception for the person that thought I was the top candidate for a job. But given that it was never actually offered? That's just noise.

No one cares about me and no one remembers me, really.

And the part that really stings is that no one will ever call and say they want me.

That realization sums it up. My being upset. My dream. It all comes from there.

I've mentioned before that years ago there was a guy who left, and they had a big party for him. "Great guy! We'll miss you!" Lots of people came. Some even offered him (seemingly real) opportunities to stay.

And then for me? I mailed back my laptop and no one really said goodbye.

Soarin' Challenge (odd update)

There are some shenanigans going on. For some reason, points were removed and I find that my auto player is in spot #4. 🤔

Doesn't really matter. I was at the top and I have the screen shot to prove it.