Monday, October 28, 2024

Another budding young scientist

A young man by the name of Sirish Subash questioned whether washing fruits and vegetables actually did any good removing pesticides.  And to answer that question, he engineered a solution!

What he created was a hand-held AI system that can detect residual pesticides, based on light reflected, which is invisible to the naked eye. (And by the way, washing does NOT remove all pesticides)

And for his effort, he was recognized as "America's Top Young Scientist" and given a $25,000 prize.  

To be fair, the other nominees were no slouches either, and you can read about their entries in the link above.

Two high schoolers and the Pythagorean proof

Back in May, there was a story about a couple of high schoolers who - mostly for fun - put their heads together to mathematically prove the Pythagorean Theorem - something that mathematicians had to that point, had been unable to do.  

Their solution involved trigonometry, and at the time they wanted to see what else they could come up.  Well, what they came up with were 9 MORE solutions to the problem!

They used their innate curiosity and ... Critical thinking for the win! 

NY is well on its way to reducing its carbon footprint

In 2019, NY state announced an ambitious plan to move toward solar power.  And recently, the state of NY announced they reached a milestone; they are producing 6 Gigawatts of power.

That amount of power can serve 1,000 homes for a year.

And the plan is to expand from there.  What a great start, and a terrific accomplishment.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Stephen Miller can suck it.

Are these the kids you grew up with? Are these the neighbors you were raised with?

He says as he points to photos of some immigrants of Hispanic origin. 

Why yes. Yes they are. So fuck you. 

How times have changed…

This may or may not be true, but it does feel about right. 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Flying cheese!

This is both amusing and almost was a disaster. But it should serve as a lesson in aerodynamics. 

Even a humble slice of delicious Gruyère cheese can throw off the balance on a rocket.

But the students took it in stride and learned something. Near failure is an option!

WAPO declines to endorse a candidate

… in spite of it being clear who they planned to endorse. I mean duh. 

Jeff Bezos bought the Washington post some years ago, and has mostly left it alone. In a general sense, his politics have been fairly neutral and he maybe even leaned a little more liberal for whatever that may be worth. 

But then comes a consequential election and he decides that the post should take sides. They shouldn't endorse a candidate. 

And why? One might assume it's about those clicks (and associated revenue). By not endorsing a candidate, his paper can be the controversy. Supporters of both candidates would talk about it and read articles and he would remain successful. 

Only the math didn't work. 

The tagline of the paper is "democracy dies in darkness" and here he was, in a way, thwarting that very democracy.