I would like to remind you that the constitution has a specific callout regarding "checks and balances" on the powers that the legislature, judiciary, and executive offices hold.
A reminder about the civics lessons we had in grade school, From the "politics for dummies" website here's how this is supposed to work:
"In order to ensure that the people were sufficiently protected from a tyrannous government, the framers of the US Constitution introduced institutional precautions and individual protections. These are important aspects of US government operations that help explain the sometimes difficult relations between the various arms of government and their relationship with the people."
"Specifically, The legislature
Checks the Executive:
Controls the scope and powers of executive departments and agencies.
Has the power to approve or reject the executive's federal budget request.
Can impeach and try executive officials, including the president if he is deemed to have done wrong.
Can override a presidential veto on a bill that has passed Congress with a two-thirds majority in each chamber.
Senate approves treaties with other countries and all key departmental appointments as well as US ambassadors made by the president."
Controls the scope and powers of executive departments and agencies.
Has the power to approve or reject the executive's federal budget request.
Can impeach and try executive officials, including the president if he is deemed to have done wrong.
Can override a presidential veto on a bill that has passed Congress with a two-thirds majority in each chamber.
Senate approves treaties with other countries and all key departmental appointments as well as US ambassadors made by the president."
You seem to be content to let Mr Trump do as he pleases and go unchecked. He continues to ignore the judiciary that rules against him. He keeps acting as an authoritarian (exactly what the framers feared). He acts in a manner that tramples on our rights and goes against what you should find acceptable.
The bigger problem is that once he takes all of the power he will never give it up and eventually the very notion of checks and balances will be gone forever.
Please bear in mind that old saying we learned in history class that "absolute power corrupts absolutely" applies here too.
You need to hold him to account for his broad actions that violate tenets of the constitution.