Sunday, April 19, 2020


There were an unusually high number of cases of pneumonia and pneumonia related deaths in Florida back in February, but the medical community and state couldn't explain it. Looking at the evidence, it now becomes clear that these were early Covid19 cases. This was before it was called a pandemic, and before cases were seen in other states.

They think the reason for the spread was, in fact, the cruise industry, though surely some may have come from number of tourists we in the state in the spring. And for the record, those number of deaths will not be included in the official count.

Anyway, governor dimwitty left the state, and the beaches, open far too long to get ahead of the spread, so spring breakers were here frolicking and carrying on, because that's what they do, and surely they helped it propagate here and elsewhere as they left.

Finally, we got a stay-at-home order, but after a couple of weeks, he decided to amend it to allow for more movement. He decided to allow the beaches in Jacksonville to reopen. Why he did this is open to much debate, but I would my proverbial money on it being that it was a political favor (like some wealthy donor couldn't get to his yacht) or it was somehow about money.

Of course, the plan was to have no sunbathing and no swimming. But as soon as word got around, everyone went there and started walking on the beach, and the #FloridaMorons hashtag became a thing.

Look our beaches are a phenomenal resource that should be enjoyed. And there was talk early on about making them accessible all along...but then people went and did this; and this is why we can't have nice things.

I get that people are bored. I get that people want their freedom. But there are better ways to approach this problem. Why does it have to be political? Just saying.

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