Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Using the kids as pawns

The state of Florida is still peeved that the Indian tribes here have gambling and that Charlie Crist as governor had made a gaming compact with them, without consulting the legislature.

That money was used mostly for the primary education system.

And our state officials decided "Meh. We don't need no stinking compact" and chose not to renew it last year, hoping to stop the gambling. Of course that was an epic fail. The feds said they can't stop them, and now the tribes don't have to give anything to the state!

So there's no compact. And there was going to be a budget hole.

Enter coronavirus. And the lack of tourism.

So now the state is saying "whelp that lack of tourism means less tax money, so we're gonna have to cut 25% out of the measly amount we give you for education. Good luck"

So they totally screwed the kids in this state. And now they are blaming it on the lack of tourism....and I've already heard the "that's why we need to open up!" Cry coming in.

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