Thursday, August 6, 2020

Marco on Karen Bass

I find it highly amusing that lil Marco spoke of this a week or so ago, and now is sending around this in fund raising emails. The horror! She actually mourned someone's death. 

Marco likes to quote a particular book that has some stuff in there from a central character about compassion, and turning the other cheek - even against your enemies. 

Yet its okay, in his opinion, to celebrate the death of another human and decry anyone who mourns Castro. 

Perhaps he really doesn't understand that book. 

And I know. It's always about Cuba with him. And secondarily it's about party and politics. 

Meanwhile, the guy in the Oval Office overtly supports dictators around the world, lauds then, salutes their generals, and says they are doing a great job - at least in part *because* they are dictators. 

From Kim Jung, to Duarte, to the mess that is Venezuela, mr trump has a thing for dictators. And he doesn't seem the least bit concerned about that. 

Heck, even when he does nothing about the killing of US troops, funded by a close-to-a-dictator in Putin, marco brushes that off with a shrug. 

But he's "tough" on Cuba. And therefore it's different. 

Surely, Marco is blinded by his own family's history with Cuba, and not appreciating how trump is a wanna be dictator who would do many of the things Castro did, given a chance. 

"Willing ignorance" is an interesting turn of phrase because that's exactly what the GOP about everything trump does, even when he talks up communism. 

A communist sympathizer already inhabits the Oval Office. He's just playing dumb and hoping you won't notice. 

What a fool we have representing us in the senate. 

Karen Bass had this to say about Fidel Castro's passing in 2016:
"The passing of the Comandante en Jefe is a great loss to the people of Cuba."

That's a direct quote, , and she is currently one of the top candidates to be Joe Biden's candidate for Vice President. It's comments like these that show the willing ignorance Democrats have when it comes to communism. 

They're more concerned with pleasing far left voters than they are with speaking out against a communist dictator. It's awful, and shows how out of touch the party has become. 

Karen Bass' comments concern me, and the fact she's even being considered as Vice President should concern every single American in the country. 

We can't allow communist sympathizers to infiltrate the highest ranks of our government,

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