Sunday, June 26, 2022

Single issue voters

First off, people who tell me they are single issue voters tally irk me. The world is a complicated place, and you saying that it's just about one specific thing is just stupid.

I've known many people over the years who have told me that they vote based on where candidates stand on that one topic.

So I've naturally known a few folks who believe abortion is the single issue that motivates them. They would vote for any candidate who opposes abortion because life is precious, blah, blah, blah. Didn't matter what else that person stood for, they were all in on that topic.

So my question to them is: now that abortion has no protections, what will you do? Find another stupid reason to vote? Not vote at all? Actually listen to where candidates stand on issues that affect you personally?

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Judicial activism

It's funny how when the supreme court was more balanced, the gop was big on trying to help it lean more conservative in every way possible.

They warned against "judicial activism" creeping in and more progressive policies taking hold.

Then the balance shifted more conservative and douchey. Two very questionably filled seats later… and here we are.

They went after gun control in a broader way than the legal question.

They set their sights on Roe v Wade in a case that perhaps should have diminished abortion rights and instead abolished the previous ruling.

In his majority opinion alito called the original ruling "deeply flawed" and needed to be rectified.

In his dissent, Chief Justice Robert's effectively said that the majority opinions were flawed and the court went too far in its ruling.

Are you seeing it yet? That is judicial activism. They ruled on something that wasn't really part of the case.

And then, for good measure, Thomas decided to tell us they wanted to come after more previous rulings….without a case before them related to the matter.

Judicial. Activism.

…and by the way, I should also call out Susan Collins for her insistence that abortion rights were safe. The people she voted to confirm would never overturn Roe….how's that working out for you, dumbass?

Thursday, June 16, 2022

The January 6th hearings

With each day that passes, it becomes clearer and clearer that what happened at the capitol was no random act. This was a coordinated attack on our democracy from outside - and shockingly from inside as well.

As Abraham Lincoln once cautioned us, in a wide-ranging speech leading up to the civil war, the only way we can be destroyed is from within. We must always be cautious, and guard against this to not let that happen.

As I've said many times, every person. Every. Single. One. Needs to be held accountable for what they did before, on that day, and even after, to commit an assault on democracy. And we need to exercise the laws for sedition and seditious conspiracy (or more) as needed - no matter that persons position, role, or relative power. Charge them with crimes, and let it play out in a court of law.

This isn't a joke, and without punishment, they will try and again and again, and may have success in eliminating our democracy in the future...

Now as for 45, there is even more coming out about him and the things he did. And one thing that struck me was how he was grifting as he mounted his "legal defense"...he didn't do the typical things a politician does to retain power - instead he attacked democracy head on, AND cashed in on people's willingness to believe the big lie, in their thoughts, and with their wallets. So he made money and got a mob to attack the capitol on his behalf.

That's a spectacular thing to do. And he deserves to be publicly humiliated, have all of his assets seized, and go to jail.

While he's no "mastermind," he certainly did take advantage of the opportunity to make this happen.

Oh Elon...

Elon Musk is a bit of a lightning rod. He says and does things that are polarizing, grab headlines, and sometimes are just stupid.

But he's fairly smart, or at least savvy, and he has this Thomas Edison quality about him; he surrounds himself with sharp people and knows how to engage in serious self-promotion.

Recently, he made a comment that he thinks Florida's (douchebag, wanna be dictator) governor would get his endorsement for president.

I was taken aback. It seemingly came "out of nowhere" and is kind of, well, ill conceived and stupid.

Then, I thought about it. Governor dimwitty has made it his made it his current priority to antagonize any and everyone who disagrees with him. And he is especially harsh on companies that say or do anything contrary to his will (see "dictator")...

One of Musks companies sells cars in Florida. One of Musks companies is trying to build tunnels in Florida. One of Musks likely-soon-to-be-acquired companies (twitter) has been in the governors crosshairs for a while. And probably most importantly, one of Musks companies launches spacecraft in Florida and is trying to expand that footprint.

If your goal is to make money, and expand, and you see the governor of the state GIVES YOU shit if you kiss the ring, and gives you SHIT if you are opposed in any way, then this might be an option.

Not one I'd take, but certainly an option.

So like most things musk says that aren't specifically about his companies, I see it is crazy and perhaps a little calculated.

Even if it's about his bottom line, he can stick this comment up his ass.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Rubios comments on the Jan 6th public hearings.

He said a lot of "blah blah blah" about the events, the police, and the hearings.

But I did catch a rare moment of perhaps unintentional honesty and wanted to give him credit.

He said "This is a two-hour free documentary sponsored by virtually every major network in America — except for [Fox News] — that's willing to give it airtime,"

A documentary film or documentary is a non-fictional motion-picture intended to "document reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction, education or maintaining a historical record".

So he was correct! It is a documentary that recounts the historical record of an insurrection that was underway.

I appreciate that he acknowledged that!