Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Fireworks, guns, and Disney world.

At one point in time, it looked like Walt Disney world might replace out some of the "traditional" fireworks shows for a drone show. 

And certainly, such a thing is entirely possible, would ultimately be less expensive and less dangerous. And could provide for a more immersive show. 

And though they've toyed with some drone additions, and have a whole show at Disney springs, the reality is that they will NEVER replace the fireworks at the magic kingdom with drones. 

And it has nothing to do with nostalgia or the guest desires to have a fireworks show. 

This has everything to do with guns. The state of Florida decided to allow for guns *everywhere* (because we're idiots) including theme parks and tourist destinations

But Disney has a special federal exemption based on the use of fireworks. And this can circumvent Florida law. 

Surely they don't want people to start bringing firearms into the happiest place on earth. So things will remain the same. 

* as I understand it, universal and sea world have different exemptions. And perhaps Disney could explore use one of those. B it for now at least, they don't want to upset the apple cart. 

Mickey=good. Actual mice=bad

My own anecdote: back when I worked there, I was picking up the days costume while the person working was standing on a chair and looking suspiciously. She told me she had just seen a mouse! 

I responded that she was lucky that Mickey had visited. She did not like that and told me what I could do with that comment. But I stand by it. 

There is a belief that Disney has been breeding an army of cats. Yes, and they're not just ordinary cats, they have a special set of skills. They're like Commando cats and they live in a barracks […] They live on the outskirts of the park [Disneyland] and at night, when they close the park, under the cover of darkness, these cats ascend into the park and they eat all the mice.

The thing that's so messed up about it all, why I hate them, is that the whole empire of Disney is built on the back of one mouse […] If you're a mouse and you go into Disneyland, you are not leaving alive

You think?

Stupid things you say can impact your business. Duh. 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Watch "The Spectacular Failure of the Star Wars Hotel" on YouTube

I have not watched this, because spending 4 hours seems a bit like a commitment.

But I have read others who watched and reviewed her review. And it sounds intriguing. 


Saturday, June 29, 2024

Shnizzle like this makes me angry

A disingenuous silly look at universal basic income played for humor, because it's "bad"…

But what else can you expect from idiots who just want to control everything we do?


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Watch "Reggie Jackson Gives Fox Viewers a Much-Needed Reality Check" on YouTube

The host, Rick, does a good job of summing up the issues with race, as it relates back to Reggie Jackson's appearance on a baseball broadcast. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Updates to Disneys and queue skipping

The Disney company spent north of $1 billion dollars to create fastpass+. It was a free service that worked pretty well, and allowed guests to make ride reservations to mostly avoid the queues. But it had an important caveat that the scales were tilted toward locals (and not the highest paying customers). 

And so late in Igers first go-round, they decided to make a change. It would more naturally favor the people who were spending more and would charge for the previously free add-on. And arguably it would be much worse than what they built.  

Sure, some of the guts of what they built were still being used, but "genie+" was hard to plan with and the pricing and what was included could best be described as confusing. To compound the confusion, they also added a "lightning lane" that allowed you to purchase access to a single attraction. 

So this week, Disney decided to change course again, and perhaps get closer to what they had with fastpass+… but as a fee based service. 

The idea is that you have the ability to make multiple ride reservations in advance for a sliding fee (around $25 per person, per day) in the "lightning lane multi ride pass". And you can add on what might have previously been called E-ticket attractions (the big ones) for an additional roughly $15 each. And they call that the "lightning lane single ride pass"

So you pay your $150 to get into the park, and then spend somewhere around $50 to see the attractions you want with little wait time. 

This new idea sounds better on paper. And maybe it will help revenue. And maybe guests will like it. And if we're lucky, the queues might be better balanced. 

Time will tell how all of this works out. 

It's just sad that the already high price is being added onto with more costs. 

And it has the additional effect of putting people's heads into their phones, rather than just enjoying a magical vacation.