Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Big brother is always watching

In the name of safety and security, we've given over our right to privacy in most situations. 

And in most cases, that doesn't matter so much. Most of us lead mundane lives that don't raise many eyebrows. 

Still, it's astonishing what means are in use, and how pervasive these things are. From your car tracking your movements and recording your voice, to the TSA screening using facial recognition software as noted in this article, we are being watched. 

By the way, back in the copa America a while ago, some of the "gate crashes" were caught using facial recognition software. And the NFL is going to pilot a facial recognition system for media and stadium staff, rather than using traditional IDs - and at least one team wants to extend that to fans as well. But that's a story for another day. 


Monday, August 19, 2024

This is a rather peculiar story

A Russian chess player allegedly (though there's video and evidence) tried to poison her opponent by putting mercury near the board so that her opponent would get sick.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Watch "Moon Astronaut Reacts to Moon Landing Deniers" on YouTube

To all the stupid people who cluelessly say the moon landing was a hoax. I say suck it. 

This is good stuff. Thanks Charlie!

Criminals commit crimes. That’s what they do.

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes the negotiation of a dispute between the United States and a foreign government by an unauthorized American citizen.

The sad little orange man violated this act, as he is currently not in a position to negotiate with a foreign power. The punishment is a fine and jail time. "Lock him up!" (Sorry couldn't help it) 

What does this make this? His 92 charge? 

Why anyone would excuse this behavior is so far beyond the pale…

So what did he do?  Here's the story about how he talked with Netanyahu about a ceasefire and prisoner release, which (and I can not stress this enough HE CAN NOT DO):

WASHINGTON, Aug 14 (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday and discussed the Gaza ceasefire and hostage release deal, Axios reported, citing two U.S. sources. 

 One source told Axios Trump's call was intended to encourage Netanyahu to take the deal, but stressed he did not know if this is indeed what the former president told Netanyahu. The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Ya gotta wonder sometimes.

There's all this hullabaloo about transgender folks adopting a name and people take umbrage with it and refuse to call them by that name! They have to use what's on the birth certificate!

But did you ever notice how commonplace it is for someone to use a nickname in place of someone's name? Like say "Chip" when the persons name is actually Charles. 

That's not the name on their birth certificate!

And no one says boo about that.  

Another example of what happens in a changing climate

A pyramid in Mexico collapsed after heavy, constant rain caused it to crumble at the foot. 

This was reportedly the best preserved site in the area, which suggests that we're losing history as a result of climate change. 

ULA has a budget issue

The attached is about how the United launch alliance is over budget and behind schedule. 

And that newer private companies are eating their lunch. 

What I find interesting is how the old guard NASA contractors are still relying on how business used to run, with bloated government contracts and lots of forgiveness given that they helped put a man on the moon. 

The 21st century requires profitability and new ways of thinking about technology.