Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Big brother is always watching

In the name of safety and security, we've given over our right to privacy in most situations. 

And in most cases, that doesn't matter so much. Most of us lead mundane lives that don't raise many eyebrows. 

Still, it's astonishing what means are in use, and how pervasive these things are. From your car tracking your movements and recording your voice, to the TSA screening using facial recognition software as noted in this article, we are being watched. 

By the way, back in the copa America a while ago, some of the "gate crashes" were caught using facial recognition software. And the NFL is going to pilot a facial recognition system for media and stadium staff, rather than using traditional IDs - and at least one team wants to extend that to fans as well. But that's a story for another day. 


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