Friday, August 30, 2024

the 2nd amendment

I caught this episode earlier and wanted to share. 

It articulates how we came to view the second amendment as we do today. 

A couple of thoughts: 
  • The 2nd amendment was thrust into the spotlight when the Black Panthers chose to use their right to bear arms - and the government sought to disarm them, at least in part because they were black
  • The NRA moved away from its initial purpose - teaching marksmanship - to become about people owning guns.  It was done by a group essentially taking over the organization. And though they don't specifically mention it, this is what led them to be 100% political and about money today
  • And, there's an odd moment in the podcast where they are talking with the man who got the 2nd amendment before the Supreme Court in 2008.  He passes some white people protesting and utters words about freedom; then when he encounters some black people, he says something about going back to the plantation. 

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