Friday, March 14, 2025

Our federal debt

Here's something submitted for your consideration. 

According to our current debt, as it relates to GDP is about 122%. Meaning that we are spending 22% more than we have. 

And that number is expected to grow to 166% by 2054 (source: 

Which means we have a full on debt crisis looming. 

At present, some of our debt is bought up by foreign governments, but it's real money that essentially we owe them (with interest). 

As T-rump continues to trample everything in his sights, we have to realize that this problem will become a MUCH bigger issue somewhere down the road, long after he (and those of us who were born in the last 45+ years) are long gone. 

Nobody will be willing to buy this debt, as T-rump wants to "stand alone."  And surely that will cause an economic catastrophe.  That we can see coming and could (if we weren't so freaking stupid and short sighted) prevent.  

But like everything he's every run, bankruptcy is the only way through. 

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