Monday, March 3, 2025

To our senators on the Zelenskyy meeting

While I don't agree with Mr Trump on his Ukraine policy (and believe he's effectively acting in Putin's best interests as a kind of "Russian asset") this is not about that specifically. 

This is about his "stunt" in the White House that involved inviting President Zelenskyy to come on an official visit, and then proceeding to essentially ambush him with multiple people involved, strong words, shouting, and even a bit of a physical moment where Trump shoved him. 

All played out for the cameras, including a Russian news outlet. 

And then the "icing on the cake" - kicking him out and calling him unreasonable and then complaining about how he dressed. 

On that last point, musk is often seen in the White House dressed "like a slob" and his kids are allowed to run amok. Where is the decorum there?

This is all unacceptable and flies in the face of what we believe diplomacy to be. Henry Kissinger famously said "diplomacy is the art of restraining power"

This was surely not that. 

In fact, if you take the time to read about or first diplomat, Benjamin Franklin, you see where diplomacy comes from for our nation. It requires you to be willing to listen. To be self aware. Not to simply tell everyone what they have to do. 

At what point are you going to say "enough is enough?" And actually say something about the childish reality-show behavior we're seeing in the White House?

You represent us, all Americans. And this behavior, this utter disregard for the mores that have existed for nearly 250 years is absurd, and must be stopped. 

We can disagree on specific agenda items Trump wants. We can argue the merits of policy. 

But we can not argue that the tearing down our history, or place in the world, and how we treat other nations is positive in any way. 

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