Tuesday, December 27, 2022
Oh look the concussion protocol is whack
But now he's in the concussion protocol. Having suffered his 3rd (officially his second because of the "neck injury") concussion. Have there been more they've missed as well? Probably.
The nfl, the doctors, the team...they just go about their business. "Yeah he had a concussion, but we can't rule him out next week."
Which just means the rules are meaningless and the nfl has no clue what it's doing.
Friday, December 16, 2022
On insurance.
"We've told consumers don't expect to see release relief within two years. The legislature needed to take strong action to save the Florida property insurance market. To tell Florida your price is going to go down, is that realistic? It's not going to happen this year, next year, if ever. Rarely do we see the price of home insurance go down anywhere in the U.S. There's too many factors."
— Mark Friedlander with the Insurance Information Institute
Well Florida, you’re getting what you wanted
The governor has already taken issue with a few school boards who have (in his opinion) violated the absurdity that is "don't say gay" and because he has a political axe to grind with these counties over other things, he'll surely go hard after them. But the thing is he hasn't said HOW they violated it. It's just his opinion on a poorly written piece of legislation. And don't miss that law suits are ongoing because the law is vague… as always.
Meanwhile, his "anti woke" legislation had its day in court. At the heart of it was the judge asking lawyers to define "woke"…their answer was, essentially, "anything we don't agree with" … which isn't much of a legal argument, and again underscores these poorly written things that are all about bluster.
He continues to harass and harangue companies about their politics, including Disney in spite of the change in leadership.
And then there's this nugget. He wants to sue the manufacturers of covid drugs because…reasons! I think he said something about side effects that impact Floridians. Which is inane. And don't worry he's going to put together a grand jury to investigate … or perhaps to essentially make things up to support his position. Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gents!
Let's not forget the mortgage crisis we have in the state. Insurance rates are high. Insurers leave the state regularly. It's been an ongoing problem for many years.
But the legislature "fixed it" in a one-week special session! And the governor is all in.
What does it do? It raises rates. Takes away many deductions you get for storm proofing. Limits what the public adjustors can do. Changes how the rules work for contractors and what they can bill. And eliminates our ability to sue if the insurer decides not to pay out enough, or at all.
In the end it means homeowners will find insurance unaffordable in addition to the housing already being unaffordable. It can't end well.
So we're getting exactly what you would think … and don't worry, it will get worse.
Florida is…screwed.
desantis has his cult…so they turned out and voted for him and rubio. And they picked up votes for each other among everyone else. And here we are.
People say Florida is "getting" red. I say it's pretty much the same as it's always been. The first time governor races are typically closely contested. But the incumbents always win. And we've had a Republican in the office for 28, now going on 32, years.
So this is not new or news. Someone needs to organize in Florida and provide a candidate more people can believe in and then help them reach actual voters.
As a complete aside, I know a lot of Venezuelans. While they can't all vote (not being citizens) you hear the talk about how the dems are socialists, like they see back home. And so they supported trump because he talked tough about Venezuela, even though he was much more like the guy back home than Biden.
And then Biden turned around and gave them tps status. But they still think he's the devil.
Desantis dupes mostly Venezuelan migrants with his (illegal and immoral) migrant flights … and yet they still supported him. And got people who hate what's happening in Venezuela on their side.
Those are the kinds of issues this state has to overcome. But there are many of them. Cuban Americans will never vote dem, because they were brought up hating on kennedy. Central Americans can't see that reps want to keep them down. And so on.
No one has managed to crack that nut. And as a result, we're screwed.
BTW, in Florida the incumbent governor has to vacate the office if s/he wants to run for higher office. The reps love desantis and want him to run for prez, so they want to change the law this term to allow him to remain gov while he runs.
The reason they have the law in the first place is because you can't serve two masters, and be an effective absentee gov. Which he kind of already is. 🤷🏼♂️
Friday, November 25, 2022
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
On Disney.
- Go back to being "family friendly" (whatever that means).
- Stop with promoting an agenda and grooming and assorted other things that people say but don't understand.
- Stop disrespecting people (yeah go figure).
- Less thoughtful and more direct comments about how people should be marginalized
- And on and on and on. The vitriol doesn't stop!
Friday, October 7, 2022
Tua Tagovailoa Concussion - what happens next?
Friday, September 30, 2022
Monday, September 5, 2022
Hurricane hunter airplanes just went where they h…
Short. Sweet. To the point. That's the beauty Dave's iPhone.
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
The nfl is stupid.
Goodell has previously said the case was without merit, and he was tapped as a potential witness if the case went to trial.
Think there's any chance he'd be in any way impartial?
Sunday, August 28, 2022
Scientists Grow “Synthetic” Embryo With Brain and…
And it brings up a host of ethical questions.
But I have to wonder, in todays climate where abortion debates and religion govern some of the laws, does this qualify as "human life?" Does it "have a soul?"
The world is changing (often for the better due to science) and we're still living with fairy tales and antiquated notions - mostly to control people.
It should open up a broader debate because there is no conception here. So what does human life mean?
Short. Sweet. To the point. That's the beauty Dave's iPhone.
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Obi yawn kenobi
I was waiting for my son to come home so we could enjoy it together…I avoided discussions and spoilers over the month or so since it premiered.
6 episodes. Each 45 or so minutes. Can't wait.
And then…disappointment. It sucked. They really missed on the character and storyline. Sure, the concept was okay. But they spent almost the entire first episode setting the tone for the show, as we watched Ben work in a packing plant and take long rides across the desert.
Uhhhhh. Wow. What a waste of an episode. Maybe it gets better in #2? Not really. Just a snooze fest.
It's not what I expected obi wan to be doing. Or how I thought he'd be acting. Or whatever.
And on top of that, if you're a diehard Star Wars fan, maybe you know about the inquisitors. But if you're a causal fan, probably not.
They spent 5 minutes giving you their back story. And even then it was weak sauce.
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Gov. DeSantis admonishes drag show
And it fits into his own, personal, twisted narrative that there's some sort of indoctrination with children somehow deciding to be gay because they see others doing it…
Aside: has he ever been to one? I have - they're fun.
They're performances by men dressed as women. That's it.
Where do you draw the line? By his "standard" comic cons should no longer allow people to dress up because kids might think they could be superhero's, and women dress in ways that may offend someone; kids might see something that will indoctrinate them.
Disney world shouldn't have costumed characters, because kids might think giant dogs and mice are real. And those princesses? They lead to moral decay… their stories are complicated and messy (they are teenagers after all) - just glossed over with a touch of Disney magic.
Circuses shouldn't have people dressed as clowns, because everyone knows from tv and movies that clowns are evil. Can't scare kids like that!
And children shouldn't be allowed at any political events or church functions, because there are grown men pretending to be adults. We can't have children seeing that.
The governor needs to be removed. And our opportunity to do that comes in a couple of months.
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Love this guy
So. So. Funny.
The world is round…
Monday, July 18, 2022
Do your own research?
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
"that the … campaign used these false claims of election fraud to raise hundreds of millions of dollars from supporters who were told their donations were for the legal fight in the courts. But the … campaign didn't use the money for that. The 'big lie' was also a big rip-off."
Sunday, July 17, 2022
Saturday, July 16, 2022
ICON Park target blast game
Friday, July 15, 2022
That pisses me off
I find it unacceptable and am looking to change my relationship with Google in ad space.
Because fuck him and those that still support him.
Thursday, July 14, 2022
Fear and control
And yet there's this oddity to it: in order to achieve it, you have to live by a set of rules. It's a false promise of course. It takes more than hard work to get there.
And by the way, these rules greatly benefit them, and which, in reality, are against your own interests.
Let's dive in to that a bit. We had the pandemic and everything about the way we worked changed for a time. Corporate profits (at least for the large companies that could allow for remote work) were through the roof. Higher than anyone expected, and in some cases record profits.
But as soon as they saw the opportunity, companies started trying to bring people back into the office. Where they can control them. You have heard phrases like "it's the only way we can mentor future leaders" which is utter nonsense. You had some suit types telling their staff they never actually "left" but rather this was a speed bump. And then you had the ones who told their employees to come back or simply find another job.
Several companies said they would manage to get everyone back through slowly changing policies until they got what they wanted.
There was one company that let the cat out of the bag, and said "when the recession happens, people will fear losing their jobs, and so they'll do what we tell them without argument."
Which is exactly what I said. Fear and control.
Look, I have no way of knowing where this goes. But here's a nugget for you: a fair number of people saw through the charade and quit their jobs as part of "the great resignation." Suddenly it wasn't about money, but rather quality of life. Some people might wind up back working for a company. But then again some millennials who went back to traditional jobs in "corporate America" realized that this was horseshit and I heard a comment that summed it up well: "I'd rather sell my toenails than go back and do this again."
But it goes further. Healthcare in this country is designed in a way that favors the wealthy. And everyone else should feel lucky to have anything. And in that same vain, the fact that insurance is tied to a job is relatively crazy. So you have to work in order to stay healthy? That's controlling you too. (Aside: a friend in Canada really couldn't believe how silly our healthcare system is. To be sure theirs is silly in other ways, but ours forces you to work in order to have good insurance).
And what of this decision about abortion? And states making it a criminal act? This is also about control. Tell people what they must do, and then blame other people for their woes. It's a huge shell game. It's not about life. It's about keeping us poor and in fear.
There's also this gun nuttiness that's rampant. It causes people to take out these frustrations and the rest of us can live in fear. And right on cue, some dumbass connects guns and abortions and says some nonsense about wanting to arm babies in the womb to prevent abortion.
So it's not about life?
And on and on. The military industrial complex is huge and is about acting tough on a global stage. And fearing some boogeyman … gotta stay big. How about if we spend less on that and more on, say, social programs to close some of this gap? No. If they did that, it would be harder to control people.
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
People are stupid and selfish
Uhhhhh. This is what's wrong with us as a society.
Short. Sweet. To the point. That's the beauty Dave's iPhone.
Saturday, July 2, 2022
Such an imbecile
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
People am stupid
Todays testimony
Anyone who sees this as any sort of "minor dustup" or can't see the criminal activity can go fuck themselves.
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Vote him out: desantis
While I have a lot to say about Desantis, I want to start by talking about Disney.
Florida spent time to craft legislation to try and keep talk of homosexuality out of the grade school classroom. The story goes that the original legislation was specifically about anything other than a “traditional” heterosexual relationship. But it evolved so that it could be disguised to a point. Many people saw it for what it was. Some people defended it because it’s “not that bad” or “aligns with their personal views”…
But that’s the point. It aligns with one point of view. And the problem with hastily crafted legislation is that it always has unintended consequences. In the legislation itself, there are penalties to teachers and school boards for engaging on the topic. That can’t be good.
And there’s the outside consequences. Make no mistake: Bob Chapek bumbled his response to the bill. This could have gone a lot of ways and unfortunately for him (and the company) he picked the wrong way, annoying everyone.
The governor responded stupidly with a comment about producing a movie (Mulan) in China, telling Disney to mind their own business. And of course mentioned something he signed into law regarding corporate training; Disney can’t teach about diversity and inclusion, based on the law. More on that below.
Florida has (well had) a very incestuous relationship with Disney, dating back to 1967. Disney and the state generally played nice, though they sometimes exchange barbs. But until governor Ron and ceo Bob got tangled, it was typically ironed out quickly. Disney is the largest tourism business in the country and provides more in revenue to the state than any single business, and more than most combined.
…but now comes the consequence: governor Ron made good on the threat to undo Disneys special improvement district in retaliation for the hubbub about the so called “don’t say gay” bill.
Look, I’m not a fan of how the original legislation went down and how Disney has the power to operate as a self governing entity. But surely the answer is NOT to cobble together something quickly just to undo it. The (unintended) consequences to the state, to tourism, and to the theme parks we love would be monumental. And not in a good way.
The governor acts like a tyrant and has now shown that no one, no company, is above his wrath. He will go after anyone.
And for those reasons, it is time to vote him out. I’m sure he will continue to attack Disney and other large employers in the state. In fact he’s already stated his intention to continue attacking Disney
There’s too much at stake. We can’t let him remain in office.
Want more? Read on….
His history started before his election to governor. Everyone who was familiar with desantis knew he never finished things. He quit previous jobs and even quit Congress to run for governor.
He runs on 45s coattails and winds up winning in Florida by a slim margin of a couple of thousand votes. (And by the way, quit on 45 a while after winning)
One thing that helped him was this: a few years before, we the people of Florida, voted to restore voting rights to felons who served their time. The GOP and former gov Scott didn’t like that much, and dragged their feet to not allow it. Then, when desantis won, he told us he was basically going to spend every cent it took (our tax dollars at work) to ensure that they couldn’t just vote again.
And so began the assault on democracy, which culminated with a court throwing out most of the voting restrictions he helped create.
For some reason, the legislature decided he could draw new voting maps. Typically this is done by committees who review the population and ideally should just draw boundaries to represent that population. One person creating maps for political (and if we’re honest, racist) reasons can’t be good for democracy.
One of his platform items was not to allow fracking. Which he immediately reneged on, though there still hasn’t been any movement on that front specifically. Still, environmental protections appear to be no more than an inconvenience to him.
We had the surfside tragedy and he promised change. But over the course of two legislative sessions - and two special sessions - that was never discussed. Nor was the “insurance crisis” we have going on in the state.
Context: The state of Florida, after hurricane Andrew (in 1992!) saw many insurers leave the state and the state setup something called the joint underwriters (or colloquially "citizens insurance") as a stop gap. And it has grown every year. You have to have insurance to have a mortgage. No one writes policies. So...
Now our only choice is to ostensibly buy homeowners insurance from the state. Which is decidedly not a principle of small government.
The list goes on of course. The legislature also found time to pass a bill proposed by energy companies in the state, and the governor was all in on it. The summary: we voted to make it constitutionally allowable for homeowners to go off the grid and install solar. This new legislation undoes that; you have to remain hooked up to the energy company AND pay them a monthly fee of the revenue they “lost” on you as a customer. And there are other punitive things included. So much for freedom.
He also was a big proponent of the anti-riot bill, which essentially would give police broad authority (mostly under his discretion) to call whatever they want a riot. This one is tied up in court, but two things happened after. First, he proposed authorizing a private military under his direction (a militia if you will) to handle situations. And second, he was encouraging the trucking convoy to disrupt commerce because it suited his purpose. And by the law he signed, technically they could be considered rioters. And then there were the protestors at Disney of course. They were rioters under the law, but nothing happened. So tell me what this is really about?
And we have to talk about covid. Florida has the third largest number of cases and deaths (perhaps it’s even higher, there were shenanigans going on with the counting) so it’s relevant.
The governor decided that he, as an authoritarian ruler, knew all there was to know about the virus. That everyone was lying about it. And the state of Florida needed to remain open for business. He dictated everything the counties, the school boards, and even businesses could do in the state regarding covid. Small government? Hardly.
Look I’m not saying that anyone had this figured out. We had a giant social/science experiment ongoing. The problems I had were that this seemed (as I noted) very authoritarian disguised as “freedom” and that he was doing a victory dance on everyone. It’s one thing to be assertive and say “let’s try this” … it’s quite another to say “we’re doing this and anyone who disagrees can F off.”
There was also a story (which I can not locate) about his investments in companies that provided “alternative treatments” which would suggest he increased his personal financial portfolio along the way.
He fined people and organizations. He sued. He fired and then personally attacked a data scientist who was simply providing information. None of this is right.
And then, almost to underscore the point, he signs legislation that essentially bans abortion. During his assault on covid rules, he used the always-associated-with abortion statement “my body, my choice” but then signed abortion restrictions. Is it about freedom?
He also made clear that people can and should have guns, because you know, human life is precious. Contrary to his stance on abortion. He wants to add open firearm carry - without permits - in the state. This is something even guns rights groups oppose, so you have to wonder if this is really about racism and intimidation.
He continues the assault on our freedoms by imposing rules on schools and businesses related to what they can teach, or otherwise provide as training. And yes, I said on private companies.
He made a comment to the effect of you can’t make white people feel uncomfortable about things. Whatever that means.
He’s a tyrant and he’s dangerous. We must vote him out.
[editors note: the Florida legislature did hold another special session to “fix” the insurance problem and the condo issues. Again these were hastily crafted (over mere hours) pieces of rubbish that the governor can claim help - but which will need time to figure out. And the law of unintended consequences surely will be an issue down the road. So don’t believe any bluster that this will help. 30 years of mismanagement and poor legislation can’t be fixed in a couple of hours, sorry. And by the way more insurers pulled out of the state after the legislation passed, so you can see it had the opposite effect on the state]
Vote him out: Marco Rubio
My problems with Marco are centered around him being a blowhard politician. He says and does things that sound like they have meaning but they are nothing more than words.
He is a Republican mainly because he is Cuban. JFK was a democrat, and failed the Cuban population at the bay of pigs, and so most Cubans made a connection that kennedy failed them, and therefore all democrats support the Castro regime and communism. It’s weird, especially in light of the rise of the last person in the Oval Office, one #45 who was a wanna be tyrant, pulling pages from castros playbook.
And yet rubio blindly supported the guy. It makes no sense.
And of course he says he supports Latinos. But really only opposes communist regimes in Spanish speaking countries.
By the way, in case you didn’t get the memo, most of the old white guys in the party…don’t like Hispanics.
Marco hasn’t held a single in-person town hall during his current term. Nor has he hosted a virtual one for his constituents (but I understand he’s happy to meet with his donors!). Though he has bowed to pressure slightly and does have his staff hold them from time to time. They read from scripts and take some notes. But it is not the same thing.
He always has a big security detail around him in public and will not talk to anyone - reporters included - when he’s out. He always says he’s too busy.
I have written to him on a variety of topics over the years. Many months later, I have gotten back a form letter that (a) is almost always vague about which topic it was about and (b) is so non-committal about anything.
Impeachment answers were “yes he committed a crime, but I didn’t vote for it because…” on the second impeachment the reason was because there was an election and we could vote him out.
We did and there was a coup attempt that he refused to comment on, or otherwise address. Can you see why I have issues?
And then there was this: a few days after the parkland shooting, he sat on a stage and tried his best to give nothing more than non-committal answers and offer his condolences. But then one of the kids asked him a question about whether he would stop taking money from the nra. The answer was predictable along the lines of “of course not, I’ll take money from any big donors and represent their interests.”
He has repeated the same time and again when it comes to taking money in the face of adversity - he always will take it and do what they want.
A government by the people, for the people, and of the people.
Tell me again what he has done for any of us? Or why he won’t even bother to talk to us - the wretched individuals who don’t support him.
By the way, when it comes to Disney, he was incensed that they took a stand on the “don’t say gay” legislation. His approach was to remind Disney that they filmed the live action Mulan in a region where human rights abuses are ongoing - so they should “stay in their lane” and focus on something else. (Editors note: Disney was wrong, but why can’t it be both?)
After the Texas massacre, I contacted Rubio and suggested it was time to have an honest discussion about gun control, and that the logical first step was to ban assault rifles.
The response I received was a bunch of nonsensical BS that reminds us he is committed to helping… anyone who gives him large sums of money (see the comment above). What do the words in this message even mean?
And when a bipartisan bill on gun safety (that amounts to “baby steps” on the road to gun safety, but it’s heartening to think there was *some* movement by both parties) came to a vote, he voted against it. Spitting on the memories of those killed at the pulse nightclub and parkland - in his home state.
He needs to be voted out!
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell schools Jim Jordan on first amendment
They have so many things going on that are negative and idiotic, and are run by a bunch of rich old white guys.
They can stuff most of what happens, but this was gold.
Disney worker rips company over vow to pay aborti…
Just to be clear: most companies have policies where you are welcome to run for political office, but you can't campaign at work, and you can't use the company in any way in your campaign.
Single issue voters
I've known many people over the years who have told me that they vote based on where candidates stand on that one topic.
So I've naturally known a few folks who believe abortion is the single issue that motivates them. They would vote for any candidate who opposes abortion because life is precious, blah, blah, blah. Didn't matter what else that person stood for, they were all in on that topic.
So my question to them is: now that abortion has no protections, what will you do? Find another stupid reason to vote? Not vote at all? Actually listen to where candidates stand on issues that affect you personally?
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Judicial activism
They warned against "judicial activism" creeping in and more progressive policies taking hold.
Then the balance shifted more conservative and douchey. Two very questionably filled seats later… and here we are.
They went after gun control in a broader way than the legal question.
They set their sights on Roe v Wade in a case that perhaps should have diminished abortion rights and instead abolished the previous ruling.
In his majority opinion alito called the original ruling "deeply flawed" and needed to be rectified.
In his dissent, Chief Justice Robert's effectively said that the majority opinions were flawed and the court went too far in its ruling.
Are you seeing it yet? That is judicial activism. They ruled on something that wasn't really part of the case.
And then, for good measure, Thomas decided to tell us they wanted to come after more previous rulings….without a case before them related to the matter.
Judicial. Activism.
…and by the way, I should also call out Susan Collins for her insistence that abortion rights were safe. The people she voted to confirm would never overturn Roe….how's that working out for you, dumbass?
Thursday, June 16, 2022
The January 6th hearings
As Abraham Lincoln once cautioned us, in a wide-ranging speech leading up to the civil war, the only way we can be destroyed is from within. We must always be cautious, and guard against this to not let that happen.
As I've said many times, every person. Every. Single. One. Needs to be held accountable for what they did before, on that day, and even after, to commit an assault on democracy. And we need to exercise the laws for sedition and seditious conspiracy (or more) as needed - no matter that persons position, role, or relative power. Charge them with crimes, and let it play out in a court of law.
This isn't a joke, and without punishment, they will try and again and again, and may have success in eliminating our democracy in the future...
Now as for 45, there is even more coming out about him and the things he did. And one thing that struck me was how he was grifting as he mounted his "legal defense"...he didn't do the typical things a politician does to retain power - instead he attacked democracy head on, AND cashed in on people's willingness to believe the big lie, in their thoughts, and with their wallets. So he made money and got a mob to attack the capitol on his behalf.
That's a spectacular thing to do. And he deserves to be publicly humiliated, have all of his assets seized, and go to jail.
While he's no "mastermind," he certainly did take advantage of the opportunity to make this happen.
Oh Elon...
But he's fairly smart, or at least savvy, and he has this Thomas Edison quality about him; he surrounds himself with sharp people and knows how to engage in serious self-promotion.
Recently, he made a comment that he thinks Florida's (douchebag, wanna be dictator) governor would get his endorsement for president.
I was taken aback. It seemingly came "out of nowhere" and is kind of, well, ill conceived and stupid.
Then, I thought about it. Governor dimwitty has made it his made it his current priority to antagonize any and everyone who disagrees with him. And he is especially harsh on companies that say or do anything contrary to his will (see "dictator")...
One of Musks companies sells cars in Florida. One of Musks companies is trying to build tunnels in Florida. One of Musks likely-soon-to-be-acquired companies (twitter) has been in the governors crosshairs for a while. And probably most importantly, one of Musks companies launches spacecraft in Florida and is trying to expand that footprint.
If your goal is to make money, and expand, and you see the governor of the state GIVES YOU shit if you kiss the ring, and gives you SHIT if you are opposed in any way, then this might be an option.
Not one I'd take, but certainly an option.
So like most things musk says that aren't specifically about his companies, I see it is crazy and perhaps a little calculated.
Even if it's about his bottom line, he can stick this comment up his ass.
Saturday, June 11, 2022
Ginni Thomas pressed 29 lawmakers in bid to overturn Trump loss, emails show | US elections 2020 | The Guardian
That's breaking several federal laws. Why is she not in custody?!
As America watched Capitol attack testimony, Fox News gave an alternate reality | Fox News | The Guardian
B. From what has been shared, text messages between staff & hosts and insurrectionists would implicate fox "news" in all of this.
Thursday, June 9, 2022
Rubios comments on the Jan 6th public hearings.
But I did catch a rare moment of perhaps unintentional honesty and wanted to give him credit.
He said "This is a two-hour free documentary sponsored by virtually every major network in America — except for [Fox News] — that's willing to give it airtime,"
A documentary film or documentary is a non-fictional motion-picture intended to "document reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction, education or maintaining a historical record".
So he was correct! It is a documentary that recounts the historical record of an insurrection that was underway.
I appreciate that he acknowledged that!
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
An open letter to my GOP senators about guns and terrorism
The TSA was established. And though no one batted an eye because of our safety, this bumped right against the 4th amendment and illegal search. Yes, one could argue that you are choosing to fly, but in to do so, we are openly willing to give up a right.
And of course with the domestic surveillance program that was opened, and the ability to monitor free speech, the first amendment was severely curtailed. (And for the record, there was some discussion among those in power that we needed to somehow eliminate the Islamic faith. Although, this didn't happen, it was a broad discussion that further undermined the first amendment; such a discussion should never happen)
The clear implication in all of this is that the foreign "evil doers" must be stopped and we can certainly openly discuss how to curtail our constitutional rights to accomplish it.
Meanwhile, according to the FBI statistics, nearly 2,500 people have died in mass shootings in the time since 9/11. And we can't be bothered to lift a finger.
Some in the GOP will outright tell you that they "don't want to weaken the 2nd amendment."
But many of them, in power then as now, were nonchalant about weakening the 1st and 4th to keep us safe.
Safe from…foreign terrorists. I mean, after all, the department of homeland security was established. It's name makes clear this is about foreign threats.
And meanwhile, crazy (typically white) people who are American citizens with weapons of war are committing acts of domestic terrorism and politicians sit idly by and do nothing.
At what point do you decide that American lives have more value than a simple interpretation of the second amendment? How about if we actually discuss it and what it means? And put some definitions around it? And take the weapons of war out of peoples hands.
Or am I asking too much of you as my elected representative?
Saturday, June 4, 2022
North Carolina Bill Targeting Free Charging Could…
Look. "Free" EV charging is typically level 2, which would mean that in order to get a meaningful charge, you have to remain plugged in for several hours.
So typically, businesses offer this service as a courtesy to customers.
What if businesses, savvy enough to offer charging through one of the services and require you to signup via an app, charge you via the app …. but the charge costs, say, a penny, for however long you stay, but that penny is offered as a promotion? Then it wouldn't be free, right?
And what of private individuals who offer you to charge at their house?
Would that be illegal?
Short. Sweet. To the point. That's the beauty Dave's iPhone.
Florida art dealer arrested after allegedly selli…
Good luck finding an NFT fake…
Friday, June 3, 2022
Don’t worry. He’ll tell you how to think.
The notion of NFTs makes me chuckle
It's maybe a little like painted art works in that the one-of-a-kind masterpiece has value because someone (or many someone's) like it and say it has value.
But it's not at all like painted art in that you can't hang it in a wall, you can't see the brush strokes, you can't interpret the artists mood, and so on. It's clip art. 2 dimensional media that exists only on a computer. And that is just pixels with no true creativity. These aren't "artists" making them in a traditional sense.
Both are subject to copies being made of course. But honestly with digital media it's nearly impossible to spot a forgery. With physical art there are ways for a forgery to be spotted.
So an NFT may be have copies that look the same. The only difference is in the digital footprint. But those can be faked too. Still…That original is worth a lot…because someone said it was.
And that brings me around to thinking about photography. Old school photography used film. That was exposed to light and then could be developed to get a negative image and then that was printed onto paper.
There was this thing that was popularized in movies: someone would get blackmailed and would insist on payment to get the negatives and all prints. The meaning was that the person with the film had "the originals" and that way no one else could ever see them.
It's laughable because it wasn't that hard to duplicate the negatives and the person may have printed 100 photos, but said they only printed 50 and gives you those.
That's exactly the same problem as the NFTs. You are getting "the original" and if you believe it then you're the sucker. Someone essentially blackmailed you for the negatives.
Saturday, May 28, 2022
Ban assault weapons!
Thursday, May 19, 2022
Sunday, May 8, 2022
I have studied this thoroughly, and I generally agree that the legislation was suspect, and the fact that there was some grifting that happened, and the fact that this was written by a CIA operative is peculiar.
But it's worked for 50 years and Disney has mostly been a good citizen.
If you are going to undo it…maybe have a plan(?)
…so the authoritarian douche says he wants it undone, and with mere moments of discussion, it came to pass. Without considering the possible (and surely unintended!) consequences. Plus the supplementary legislation that came about in those 50 years - what happens there?
…but my basic question is quite simply why? What's his rationale? It appeared to come in response to Disney taking an awkward stand on the "don't say gay bill," but that's a response that's not really commensurate with the statement. And, in calling for the special session, the governor insisted it had something to do with his personal beef with Twitter.
You have to figure this has a deeper significance and surely is related to money and power.
I might suggest this has to do with Floridas natural resources. Until he became governor, there was an independent body called the south Florida water management district, which basically controlled water flows and monitored quality around lake okeechobee and south into the Everglades.
He folded it under him in some way, and made it a political game. They are no longer independent and have to abide by his rules.
Disney had broad authority over all of their waterways (in addition to power, sewer, and related utilities). They controlled water flow, water levels, and monitored quality. Disney had a decent environmental record on that front. But now…I'm assuming this would revert to the state. Meaning he controls all those waterways … and really all waterways in Florida.
That can't be good for us from an environmental perspective.
Fake marina with fake water steals show at Miami Grand Prix AP News
Friday, May 6, 2022
Plant based diets and economics
The other players in the "vegetarian" category up their game to do similar products and go further.
Some of these players got involved with the fast food companies. Tests are run, and success is there, though not overwhelming so. A few fast food places drop items, some add more.
It was unclear how this might play out. Would this amount to anything?
And then McDonald's tries out a product … it looks like a failure. Until McDonalds discusses their product at an investor forum.
In short: The cost of doing business is high. Rising wages. Demand for quality ingredients. Other factors. They had to discard the dollar menu because the economics dictated it.
And then there's the cost of meat and getting it to stores. The financial part of it suggests it's not a good long-term strategy. Meat is expensive and getting more so. The supply chain costs are going way up. And it's extremely perishable being fresh (or quick frozen). And there's the cost from an environmental standpoint. More land is needed. Destroying more of the environment.
McDonald's realizes that this isn't sustainable and they have to move to something other than traditional meat.
They'll be expanding their offerings to include more plant-based options. Then the cost shift will happen, where meat based products will cost more than plant based. And it will evolve to make items that you might not be able to tell the difference between…
Burger King also started talking about making their products more accessible, so they might use machines just for plant-based rather than sharing.
So the success of plant based will be driven by economics.
And ultimately we all may win. And have better products available. Sure the plant based ingredients are processed. And may not be "health foods" but it is progress toward a better future and sustainability.
Judicial activism
It just wouldn't be right to legislate from the bench!
A couple of stolen Supreme Court seats, and another a couple that went to unqualified individuals, later… and the this court is now deciding on what's right and essentially legislating where Congress has faltered.
The reasoning behind the repeal of Roe v Wade is flawed and nonsensical. Make no mistake this is judicial activism.
It's amazing, though, that the response from the GOP is crickets. Well, maybe it’s crickets on the outrage, but the response is more like cheering.
And now they'll go after a host of other items. The assault on us and our rights will be led by this small group of idiots.
Congress could codify (and arguably already should have codified) some of these things into law. But they're too busy fighting about nonsense (as always).
Thursday, May 5, 2022
But as they say "it's still football," so I was still watching a little.
And then came the ad featuring the douche bag pillow salesman. Why does anyone allow him airtime? He's a traitor.
And that's when I decided that the football isn't good enough to simply ignore him and his asinine self.
So thanks usfl for trying. But I'm out.
Monday, April 18, 2022
Even Dumber Convoy Commits Felony Blocking Entran…
Short. Sweet. To the point. That's the beauty Dave's iPhone.
Thursday, April 7, 2022
NFL warned to improve treatment of women by six AGs: 'Pink jerseys are not a replacement'
And (B) there was another story about how the dolphins were trying to swing a deal to get Tom Brady to come to Miami…but then the dolphins got sued by Brian Flores, and there went that idea. Funny how these two stories are connected…
NFL: Roger Goodell blew moment to expose Daniel S…
Short. Sweet. To the point. That's the beauty Dave's iPhone.
Monday, April 4, 2022
Never forget, it’s always about the money. College edition.
Last I heard, the cases stalled, so there's not much happening in the legal sense.
One of the coaches implicated was Bill Self, the Kansas coach. At the time he was labeled a cheater. The NCAA pushed hard for him to be dismissed from his job.
But Kansas saw him as a great hero. He was winning games and making money for the school. They wouldn't budge.
In fact, Kansas "doubled down" and signed him to a lifetime contract. Thumbing their nose at the ncaa and the fbi.
And here is Kansas basketball playing for a national championship. With a cheating coach.
No punishment. And I have little doubt he's still doing whatever it was he was doing.
It's so absurd.
Money rules all.
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
Stupid thing for the day
Today, they had one person per aisle (covering 3 stations). Rather than the remote, you have to take each item out, scan it on the machine and place them in the area to the right.
If you miss placing one item it stops and tells you to place it in the area.
If you have a problem it stops completely. And you have to wait for the person. If you buy alcohol it stops completely. And you have to wait for the person.
If you try to put stuff back in the cart before it finishes paying it stops completely. And you have to wait for the person.
It took us 2x as long as using a cashier. And 4x as long as when they had people scanning.
I think I shan't be using self checkout at Costco. It's dumb.
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Elon Musk Says the US Has 'Very, Very Ancient Lea…
When Musk was asked about humans having "a significantly increased lifespan," he offered a straightforward view about human life.
"I don't think we should try to have people live for a really long time," he told Döpfner. "That it would cause asphyxiation of society because the truth is, most people don't change their mind. They just die."
He continued: "So if they don't die, we will be stuck with old ideas and society wouldn't advance."
Musk then said that a "gerontocracy" — where a government is essentially controlled by citizens significantly older than the bulk of the population — is not healthy.
"I think we already have quite a serious issue with gerontocracy, where the leaders of so many countries are extremely old," he revealed. "In the US, it's a very, very ancient leadership. And it is just impossible to stay in touch with the people if you are many generations older than them."
He added: "The founders of the USA put minimum ages for a local office. But they did not put maximum ages because they did not expect that people will be living so long. They should have. Because for a democracy to function, the leaders must be reasonably in touch with the bulk of the population. And if you're too young or too old, you can't say that you will be attached."
Musk said that he'd like to see political leaders "be ideally within 10 or at least, 20 years of the average age of the population."
Friday, March 25, 2022
I’ll let that sink in.
—Ted Cruz
Monday, March 14, 2022
Geez. That’s crazy
You can watch video of the pass here.
But what gets me is that this very well could have been a cataclysmic event - Perhaps not extinction level - but certainly a threat to the future of humanity.
And here we are debating about whether we can say the word gay.
What is wrong with us?!